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Jextro's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Eight Mile Plains

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Jextro Forum Contributions
Hazel wood - Does the twisted looking wood used in gardening in the UK come from a particular type of hazel? If so which one....or does anyone know of a better tree to use? I want to make a trellis, or an obelisk,or a woven compost bin... Thanks..4154 days 13hrs
Paw gender issues - Can anyone tell me what is happening here...this Pawpaw pretty much said it's male...and now look at it? Is it a male that fruits??? or a different pawpaw variety?? It's still covered in flowers... Confused!..4365 days 8hrs
Sweetening passionfruit - Wonderful thanks so much..6105 days 16hrs
Sweetening passionfruit - Does anyone now how to make passionfruit sweeter (when on the vine) I have a vine that produces huge amounts of really sour fruit....its such a shame not to be able to really enjoy they a la natural!!..6106 days 8hrs
Growing durukasaccharum edule - Jude, I found out from the DPI that Saccarum edule is not permitted in QLD because it can mess with the sugar industry (it can carry sugar cane smut). So I doubt you'll actually be able to buy it anywhere. Cheers Jo..6171 days 11hrs

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