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Paul7's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Sydney west

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Paul7 Forum Contributions
Leaf drop1 - second picture sorry didn't download Paul..6207 days 6hrs
Leaf drop - Help please, In June last year I planted new peach and nectarines, sourched from an A grade supplier, bare root stock used and roots free and soread when planted, most have come on great but several and not all at once have been turning golden brown in..6207 days 6hrs
Veggie garden - Well thanks you lot (said with a smile) after reading all the comments on treated pine for raised garden beds and having just paid fo 100 250x50 treated pine boards to make my new gardens I'm feeling rather sick now. I think I will be double lining th..6216 days 1hrs

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