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Itdepends2's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Itdepends2 Forum Contributions
Shipping syndicate of plants to perthwa - Someone takes the shipment on board- everyone else sends their order and $$ to them. They order it as one lot and the shipping cost gets divvied up...5646 days 17hrs
Edible shade tree - Because you only put the umbrella up in Summer I'd go for a decidous tree- just be prepared to deal with the leaf drop in autumn. Maybe have a look at a pear tree? (Will require continous pruning to keep down to size though)..5653 days 20hrs
Plum yarrahapinni blood - Don't know about that variety in particular- as far as blood plums go though I'd personally recommend Satsuma or Mariposa. Note with most Japanese plums (the blood plums are Jap plums) you need a cross pollinator to get good yields. Santa Rosa will s..5653 days 20hrs
Plum tree propagation - Buy a grafted plum tree as a starter- and then just graft different varieties onto it. (Unless you're looking for a lot of trees- in which case- start with a grafted tree, get it to sucker and start taking cuttings off the rootstock to strike). It'll..5663 days 21hrs
Potted figs and olive - I've tried olives in pots without much success. They're a fast growing tree and didn't do very well. A lot of scale too- but they were under a patio. Personally if your after the fruit- I wouldn't bother with olives in post- the yield will be too l..5668 days 21hrs

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