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Diny's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Bundaberg

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Diny Forum Contributions
Jakfruit fairies - I have a huge Jakfruit tree and it is difficult to pick the high fruit. 5 years ago I fell of a ladder trying to pick one, nothing broken but I spent a week in hospital. Now all the fruit are hanging so low that some3 are resting on the ground! I am not r..5791 days 4hrs
Wolf berries - Someone at our local market was selling Goji juice at $80 a bottle!..5926 days 3hrs
Black sapote9 - The time to pick them is when you see the calyx lift a little bit, if you pick them too early, they will never ripen...5926 days 3hrs
Jaboticaba3 - I just went out to pick some of my third crop and saw another lot of blossom! That is the 4th crop since 27-8 this year.If you give me your address Ceilidh, I will send some seeds. I live in Childers and if you like you can come and taste some fruit...5930 days 5hrs
Jaboticaba3 - My tree is about 12 years old and it has been fruiting for at least 8 years. I have noticed that it fruits best when fed with a good fertiliser. Some years the crop is so heavy that you can't see the branches, they are totally studded with fruit...5942 days 6hrs

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