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Cate's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Townsville QLD

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Cate Forum Contributions
Youngberries - Thanks Anon I haven't tried pruning the ends of the runners. I'll give that a go this weekend and see what happens from there. Currently, I have good bark chip mulch on them, I would have thought the stones would have absorbed the heat - do you suggest..6047 days 7hrs
Youngberries - Hi David I live in Far North Queensland and my youngberries have been in the ground now for 12 months. They are wonderfully lush and green, throwing runners all over the place, but no sign of fruiting. They have until Christmas to perform or they will go..6048 days 7hrs
Pinkabelle apple tree - Durian smells pretty bad. Thanks for the advice John. I currently grow vanilla, coffee, tahitian limes, miracle fruit, an array of chillies and herbs, strawberries, grumichama, jaboticaba, wampee, peanut butter tree, pomegranite, 3 varieties of passion..6048 days 8hrs
Pinkabelle apple tree - I would like to purchase a dwarf apple; however, my problem is that I live in FNQLD Townsville. I was initially excited that the "Pinkerbelle" may have been Ok as it has a low chill requirement, but after having read earlier posts here, I see it has onl..6051 days 16hrs

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