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Hamish's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: North East of Moree NSW

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Hamish Forum Contributions
Coffee - Does anyone know much about the variety Coffee Robusta?..5971 days 8hrs
Coffee - Hi all - just wondering how much coffee I can expect to get off a healthy plant. I generally have a couple of cups a day using my machine that grinds the beans itself. As I am aiming for self sufficiency I am trying to plan to have enough for myself and a..5971 days 8hrs
Veggie garden - Hi all. Im wondering what happens to old power poles that get replaced? And if they are treated? Might be an alternative to railway sleepers that seem to be getting hard to find. THere is a powerpole that has been marked for replacement just down the road..5971 days 9hrs
Suitable fruit treesvines - Hi all, Im new to this forum so go easy on me :D I have recently purchased a property at Crooble - which is about an hours drive North East of Moree NSW. Sort of between Moree and Goondiwindi. The 8 acres has excellent rich black soil, lots of su..5971 days 10hrs

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