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Adele's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Melbourne

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Adele Forum Contributions
I have a cherry tree - Can I grow a Cherry Tree in a container in an open garden area Melbourne East? I love the heart shaped dark ones, don't know what type they are...5814 days 1hrs
Mandarin tree - Thanks Peter, I have lots of dead aphids now on the leaves. Also, we had some heavy rain in the area for a few days so I suspect the brown leaves could be wet feet. Should I let it dry out 2-3 weeks if there's no more rain?..5818 days 22hrs
Mandarin tree - yes, there are lots, I only saw them on the leaves after I sprayed with White Oil. Now the young leaves are turning a light brown and look like dropping off. ..5820 days 4hrs
Mandarin tree - I planted an Imperial Mandarin only 5-6 weeks ago and something seems to be eating the very young growth on it, small black things. Are they black aphids? I sprayed with White Oil but are worried about damaging such a young tree. Any advice? thanks..5821 days 0hrs

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