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Wobbly's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: clematis

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Wobbly Forum Contributions
Companion plants - Hi On a T V program recently a lady was growing a totally organic vegie garden she was growing companion plants with her veggies that stopped the bugs etc eating her veggies. I only now marigolds to bring bees . any ideas please ..3205 days 15hrs
Veggie garden - hi veronica i unfortunatly think you are going to struggle to stop the birds. i have a double row of the jarrah and they still manage to scatter it everywhere. they are collecting materials for there nests and looking for food. they will stop once i..5600 days 22hrs
Veggie garden - hi thanksto everybody who has helped me with my path it well on its way [photos later] also info on whipper snippers. i have unlimited supply of tank water for a vegie garden lately i seem to have it tooo wet or to dry , how long and how often should..5608 days 3hrs
Whipper snippers - hi every body my very old whipper snipper gave up the ghost. i purchased a G M C because i have mulcher blower from the same company and it is excellant . the new whipper snipper is heavy ,doesnot feed well and is a complete pain to put new lin..5623 days 16hrs
Veggie garden - thank you wayne i wanted to use the house bricks as the edge and put the very fine road base as the path so do i have to put the sand under the road base and can i cement the bricks as the edge and pack down the road base. [like when you use lil..5623 days 17hrs

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