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companion plants

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wobbly starts with ...
Hi On a T V program recently a lady was growing a totally organic vegie garden she was growing companion plants with her veggies that stopped the bugs etc eating her veggies. I only now marigolds to bring bees . any ideas please
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1st May 2016 8:07pm
#UserID: 2180
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Julie says...
I don't think anyone is going to respond - you will find lots of information on this if you Google it.
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Roleystone WA
9th May 2016 5:12pm
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Ish says...
I guess a full list would be very long, however, a couple of examples that seem to work for me are peas / beans to fix nitrogen in soil. I also plant coriander with my cherry tomatoes, which are prolific and fairly pest free (although this could be coincidental!). Lavender as well as some of my other herbs (ie garlic chives, lemon thyme, basil, oregano, rosemary) apparently have insect repellant properties but I haven't really noticed. Still plenty of bugs around here!
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11th May 2016 9:44pm
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Original Post was last edited: 11th May 2016 9:44pm
allybanana says...
With fruit trees I often think of shade when growing trees together for instance deciduous on the north side, so the sun goes through the branches to citrus and other evergreens during winter. Also growing acid loving undergrowth like strawberries, blueberries and asimina next to pines or using the needles as mulch is another possibility.

I also pant together to save space, for instance lettuce mix between leeks. The leeks take ages to grow and the lettuces are harvested before the leeks need the space. As Ish says beans and peas are good nitrogen fixers, I plant the "three sisters" beans, corn and pumpkin together with mixed results. I also try to rotate and if a bed has tomatoes I try to keep it free of tomatoes or its relatives for a couple of years before replanting them again (nearly impossible with spuds though).
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14th May 2016 7:39am
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