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Dilly's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Dilly Forum Contributions
Raspberries taking over garden - Raspberries have taken over my garden. Planted them last year and they've run down all my other plants, with the roots going deep into the ground. How can I get rid of them without affecting the fruit trees that they..5449 days 22hrs
Bourgainvilleas - Alternatively, Brad, you could create a secondary email to use when writing on forums. That way you don't have to give out your personal email. E.g. create an email such as garden123 [at] ymail [dot] com. People could get in touch with you from there. An..5450 days 1hrs
Rabbits - Rabbit Proof Fence?..5473 days 23hrs
Identifying plant - Hi everyone. When does wisteria flower? Roy, have you seen any flowers on your plant?..5474 days 23hrs
Self sprouted peach - Tecko, same thing happened with my paw-paw plant. I got at least ten plants sprouting from seeds. I got quite a successful lot of paw-paws. With your peach tree, I'd say leave it and see if you get any new growth...5483 days 21hrs

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