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Van1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Melbourne

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Van1 Forum Contributions
Pinkabelle apple tree - I have seen those online but I think the 500mm is for the top and not the base. What size does the pot need to be at the bottom? I have been told about 45cm but am struggling to find a plastic one of that diameter at the bottom. Is anything smaller going..5717 days 19hrs
Pinkabelle apple tree - I'd like to purchase one of these, however I would like to have it in a pot, can anyone steer me in the right direction regarding ideal pot size and best method. Thanks!..5720 days 14hrs
Espaliered trees - That would be great, thanks for the ideas also. I found this site, I love the pictures of the work this particular lady has done so I just thought I would share. http://www.espalierservices.com/ ..5721 days 19hrs
Veggie garden - Thanks Julie and others for the reponses, yes I did mention it above but forgot to enter it in the box :)..5722 days 14hrs
Espaliered trees - Hi, I am new to fruit tree planting and would love some advice. I would like to grow some trees - orange, mandarin, apple - along my back timber fence and espalier them. Would it make a difference if I chose dwarf trees or not? Also, if I plant them c..5722 days 21hrs

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