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Dave's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Dandys

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Dave Forum Contributions
Feijoas for cooler places - Mark, I grow most of the ones you mentioned from Australia plus a couple more. I also have some from seed but none of these have fruited as yet. Next door to us is a Feijoa planting of about 100 trees (scrubs) with all these varieties planted out. I hav..4317 days 1hrs
Problems with white sapotes pics included - Hey J, yeah its Black Scale, its actually a little sucking bug. John is right about the remedy (I use white oil). There is a little bit around this year, only found it on my citrus this season, not much to worry about though...4441 days 5hrs
Highs and lows - Well its starting to feel like winter now...5.8 high today and currently siting at 3 (11pm) ...the town of Coldstream is already 1.5 (hence the name!) good night for gardening in shorts to freshen the skin I reckon ..4615 days 3hrs
Veggie garden - Tim Flannery's 'Future Eaters' is still a relevant book that describes Australia's timeline of species and the rate of decline, worth a read if you haven't. I remember he talked about the Moas in NZ too, as well as the giant wombats, 3 metre kangeroo..4662 days 15hrs
Veggie garden - Cassowaries are more important in the forest than they seem as quoted below The Cassowary is known as a ..4664 days 3hrs

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