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Grafted mango
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Blueinca99's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Mentone

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Blueinca99 Forum Contributions
Growing avocado in melbourne - the Ettinger is an interesting one, it's almost impossible to find for retail availablity, maybe one may find one at a market - maybe. Even Sunraysia doesn't appear to it on their list.... ..4238 days 9hrs
Growing avocado in melbourne - I notice a lot of people talk about the A & B types & it's a way of making sure you get a decent harvest rather than replying on self-pollinating solely. But I would've thought it is a little more complicated than merely marrying up an A with a B etc, s..4239 days 7hrs
Wolf berries - I bought a small goji plant a couple of years back & de-potted it & planted it out in the garden, after some initial growth it then lost all its leaves & became very woody, so I cut it right back (scary stuff ..... looked even more dead!) then I dug it up..5010 days 9hrs

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