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Scotchmist's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 03/11/23 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Scotchmist Forum Contributions
Red shahtoot mulberry2 - Quick question... Just wondering if anyone know why Red Shahtoot mulberry trees seem to be only sold in dwarf form, when other forms such as Shahtoot-White are available in a non-dwarfed variation? Thanks..836 days 11hrs
Zanthoxylum seeds - Linton... quick question I have a Japanese pepper tree that flowers but has never produced any peppercorns. Do I need a second male tree to produce them? Thanks..1900 days 10hrs
Patio lime - Patio/Sublime is actually a dwarf key lime/West-Indian lime. I asked the company that produces these plants and that is what they told me. ..2342 days 12hrs
Bernecker avocado - Has anyone heard of this variety in Australia? I saw this video on Facebook and though they do not mention the variety I'm guessing that may be what it is?? https://www.facebook.com/ABCRural/videos/10160293361655411/?hc_ref=ARQczDkEgl1t1J9RW0YNxL5qhIBSdX..2362 days 10hrs
Tropical fruit tree - Ok Thanks anyway Linda.. I have an un-heated greenhouse and was thinking of attempting to grow a dwarf in there, but might have to give up on the idea if that's the case. ..3964 days 13hrs

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