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Katesbabacoandpepinoplants1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 26/11/08 Updated: 12/08/09 Frost:

About My Edible Backyard

Why Katesbabacoandpepinoplants1 Love's Edible Plants

just love to potter around, mixture of sand, manure, topsoil, rainfall has been good, eating what you grow is very rewarding!!!!


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Katesbabacoandpepinoplants1 Forum Contributions
Tropical fruit trees successfuly grown in sydneywollongongnewcastle3 - Hi, I have planted 2 babacos and 2 pepinos a few months ago. the pepinos are doing great, have about 3 dozen fruit on them, the babacos are a little slow. Where abouts in Wollongong are u as I would not mind checking out the fruit, especially the babaco..6079 days 4hrs
Babaco - hi there, I have bought 2 babaco trees from daleys nursery. planted them both at the same time. One is near the fence protected by a gardenia tree and pepino bush and is doing nicely and has 2 tiny fuit on it and nearly a metre high. the other one t..6079 days 4hrs
Thornless citrus - Hi Neil/Jan/Kath, I have bought a Citron, Buddhas' Hand tree from bunnings in wollongong. Have also bought this fruit from Paddy's Market in Haymarket about a month ago may 2008 and made jam from the 4 fruit that I bought. I have the tree growing in a..6079 days 4hrs
Pepino - hi guys, have had a recent crop of about 2 dozen, something seems to be eating the pepino, boring holes and then the ants get to them. I had some mint growing around the spot but taken it out. any advice please..6225 days 5hrs

Peach - Angel TM High Chill

Katesbabacoandpepinoplants1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5658 days 23hrs

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Babaco Cutting

Katesbabacoandpepinoplants1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5679 days 8hrs

Comments: -

this is the first year my babaco has fruited. has four large fruit and 3 tiny ones on the top of the stem. when I taste it will let you know what it is like

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Katesbabacoandpepinoplants1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5679 days 9hrs

Comments: -

they generally grow all year, great fruit, great flavour between honeydew and nashi pear taste, seasol does wonders, unfortunately don't sell them as we eat them all.

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Babaco Cutting

Katesbabacoandpepinoplants1's Edible Fruits

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