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Pitaya Dragon fruit in all different colours available at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery
Pitaya Dragon fruit in all different colours available at Daleys Fruit Tree NurseryAstringent and non-astringent varietiesUse these promo codes to get special offers when placing a new orderGrapes available now

AC1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 02/06/20 Frost:
Location: HILTON

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

AC1 Forum Contributions
Jujube dormant - ..1790 days 2hrs
Two way plum pruning - Davids right There is only so much energy the trunk puts out.If you look closely at where both grafts radiate out from the main trunk the diameters of each of the 2 grafts are different. The bigger diameter one on the left,This is drawing more energy you ..2251 days 22hrs
Paxton prolific not fruiting - Ive had mine fruit two years in a row now with this year having 4 fruits good size but there is a major problem they taste like mash potatoes not sweet at all you may want look thru this forum or google about bland taste of this variety save all your..2478 days 18hrs
Is my white sapote slowly dying - One experience Ive had with white sapotes is some varieties dont like backyards that get cold at night.The plant carries on with yellowing leaves dropping some. If the plant is in a pot place the plant in the front yard near bitumen road.Put shadecloth a..2850 days 15hrs
Cherimoya vs custard apple in sydney - Ive got a Paxton Profilic tree growing in Adelaide approx 4 years old has set 2 fruits this year one fruit is extremely large and the ther half size of other.You need lots of patience for trees to set fruit.If I can grow this one and set fruit in Adel..3025 days 18hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

AC1 has LIKED the following:
Paxton prolific not fruiting - I totally agree with you AC1 - My Paxton fruit this year wasn't nice at all - so next year it will be converted to a couple cherimoyas - i had a 365g fruit on a Pinks Mammoth that was pretty darned good for a cv ive been told / read would be impossible to..Liked Answer 2476 days 18hrs
Thank you daleys one of a kind - Did you know that there is NO Nursery with the Selection, Service and Online Features for members I could find anywhere on the Net when I looked for a link for a USA site something similar (online membership-wise) yesterday, so I have a USA link to place ..Liked Answer 3341 days 23hrs
Rose apple - I keep trying these all around the place - and they still taste like a lilly-pilly to me? Yukk? :)..Liked Question 3584 days 20hrs

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