Genipapo's Edible Backyard
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Genipapo Forum Contributions
Star apple root system - I do have three star apple trees in my garden. I believe they are deep rooted because I never seen them inclined after planting and survives strong winds.. 2279 days 4hrs
Coccinia grandistindora - Gardenkeen
How can I distingush male from female Coccinea grandis/indica ?
Are Coccinea dioc or monoic ?.. 2784 days 5hrs
Ambarella spondias dulcis - In Brazil there are different varieties of Caj.. 2909 days 3hrs
Avocado interesting shape russell variety florida usa - Hi Kieran
I would like to exchange info on your avocado tree. Could you please email me at
.. 3213 days 2hrs
Mammea amearicana - Hi Peter
Seeds of Mammea americana (aka Abric.. 3308 days 6hrs
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