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000Troy0001's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 03/06/19 Frost:

About My Edible Backyard

Why 000Troy0001 Love's Edible Plants


000Troy0001 says... [2768 days 12hrs ago]
Healthy - tasty - they give back the in fruit the energy you give them.
000Troy0001 says... [2762 days 11hrs ago]

Green gardener says... [237 days 9hrs ago]

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

000Troy0001 Forum Contributions
Avacado black stems - Have you got a picture? Mostly likely fungus, a lot of fungus problems now. I use ECO Fungicide mixed up as per directions. Give the tree a good spray all over with the eco fungicide, see how it looks in 10 days and do it again...2569 days 13hrs

Dwarf Coconut Malay Bronze (Seedling) 10/10

000Troy0001's Edible Fruits
Update: 1930 days 12hrs

Comments: - Bought from Daleys, I like this palm because Its a food producing Palm. Planted 15/02/2017, I dug a 3 foot by 3 foot hole filed with sand, compost, garden soil and mixed it well with my clay soil. As you can see it is sitting up off the ground a bit but will drop as it settles. When I got the palm sat it in seawead solution as instructed. Spent about two hours in the sink in the solution before planting in the mix outside. I put 9 liters of seawead solution over it again after I planted it.  The palm is in sub-tropical climate SE Qld, So will let you all know how it goes. 

Planted: 2017

Height 2 Feet

Growing: In the Ground

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Spring


Organic Status:Organic

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Farouk says... [1713 days 6hrs ago]
Well done, that is soo beautiful, godbless.
JuliaSz says... [305 days 7hrs ago]
Beautiful tree :) I'm just about to buy a dwarf coconut tree.

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Soursop (Seedling) 9/10

000Troy0001's Edible Fruits
Update: 1930 days 14hrs

Comments: -

Bought from Daley Nursery, I bought all my fruit trees here, because they all arrive healthy and in good condition. I haven't lost a single plant yet (touch wood). My Soursop has been in the ground for 6 months and has a long way to go. It's growing in the coastal area of southeast Qld. It is slow growing at this stage. This could be a number of things, it loves the tropical weather (currently in subtropics) and that it hasn't been in the ground long. It will die if too cold and the new leaf will burn in hot winds (hates winds in general, hot winds even more). I have it surrounded by other plants as a sheild. I normally don't baby plant's just put them in and let them toughen up or die. I am however monitoring this plant more because I want to know the Soursop requirements and problems in less than the ideal environment. Will keep you updated. 11/02/2017 Just notice darkness on the stems near a few leaves which seem to be drooping, hoping it's not fungus. I made up some nitrosol solution and gave it a feed. It has been very hot today 37 and tomorrow will be 40 so will see how it handles the heat. Also will see if the feed helped.... Yes the feed helped leaves got greener. Loved the heat 40. I always let the ground dry completely before watering again. This plant does not like it too wet. I will upload another picture in another six months.

Planted: 2016

Height 2.5 Feet

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

Water Given in: Spring


Pollination: No

Organic Status:Organic

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Red Bayberry or Yumberry 9/10

000Troy0001's Edible Fruits
Update: 1930 days 14hrs

Comments: - I like this plant because it is suppose to be easy to grow and produces delicious fruit  (so I am told). Not a lot of information around for this plant only that it comes from China. I bought mine from Daleys. It has just been planted 10/02/2017. Growing on the coast in South east Qld. I have clay volcanic soil so I dug a big hole, used gypsum at the very end of the hole and mixed it in with the hard clay soil. I mix in good garden soil and cow manure (well broken down) with the existing clay.and built up the soil. The plant was planted on top of the ground. It was hot 11/02/2017 got to 36 and the little plant struggled, it's about 10 inches tall. The plant wiltered over in the heat. 12/02/2017 will be 40 so I will add some shade. It came from Kyogle to the heat :) not use to it. I did add seaweed solution to the soil once planted to help settle it in. I will keep you posted.

Planted: 2017

Height 10 Inches

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Spring


Organic Status:Organic

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Brazilian Cherry (Seedling) 9/10

000Troy0001's Edible Fruits
Update: 1930 days 14hrs

Comments: -

I have been lead to believe, easy to grow with minimal fuss, delicious fruit. Planted 10/02/2017 this plant has pushed out new leaves in less than a week. Looks very  happy in the ground, no stress when planted as happy as can be. Looks like it will be a very low fuss plant ,unlike others in my garden. seawead solution after planting along with 10-10-10 fertiliser.

Planted: 2017

Height 0.5 Feet

Growing: In the Ground

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Spring


Organic Status:Organic

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Dwarf Avocado - Pinkerton (A) 10/10

000Troy0001's Edible Fruits
Update: 1930 days 14hrs

Comments: -

Flowered in the first year of planting. Grafted dwarf pinkerton bought here at Daleys.


I love it because I love Avocado's :) This variety is thriving in my garden coastal area of Southeast Qld. I planted it on top on the ground,  before I did plant it I put gypsum and  heaps of organic matter into the soil below. I sat the plant on top of the soil and used  two bags of high quality organic garden mix, around and under the plant. I placed the avocado between two golden cane palms to help shade it from the fierce summer heat. Normal weekly watering, sometimes I make it two weeks before watering depends on the weather. It's been care free and it's just doing it's thing - growing nicely..........

Update - Saturday 11 and sunday 12/02/2017 was very hot 40. The next two days 13/14 -02 -2017 hot blowy winds. The 13/02/2017 it rained about 3 mm at night. The plant is really floppy at the top and droopy now. I have seen this before when the tree is stressed out. I usually leave it and it comes good, will see this time. I am currently using a cane to straighten the top of the floppy portion, will see how it goes (the plant is surrounded by stakes and secure). The colour of the plant is dark green and healthy- apart from the precious thing being stressed. It's in shade but the wind and heat is taking it's toll (still blowing hard) for now, soil is wet but not overly so. Will update. Avocado feeling not so stressed today 15/02/2017 and has started to straighten up, winds slowed heat reduced, haven't watered. It has put on a great growing spurt since been plant bit over six months ago - near seven foot tall now. Trunk skining compared to height - stakes needed else will fall at this stage. Fertilised recently with 10-10-10 osmocote bought from US. You probably won't find 10-10-10 in Aus.

Fruiting Months April and May

Planted: 2016

Height 7 Feet

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Spring


Pollination: Self Pollination

Fertiliser or Organics Used: Seasol, Nitrosol liquid, Osmocote 10-10-10

Pest Control: Pest control -me. Go out and check. Any leaf with a fungus look  or not looking healthy I cut. Inspection 2 weekly. I have used Eco - oil when required.

Organic Status:Partially Organic

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