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Lisar's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 00/00/00 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Lisar Forum Contributions
Annonidium manii - Oh wow, are you growing them? Trying to figure out temps they will take. Boy if you're looking to sell seedlings? How long did if take your seeds to germinate?..3079 days 18hrs
Annonidium manii - Oh wow thank you! Tap roots on mine now are about 5 or 6 inches long with no leaves yet. Very hopeful that I can grow it here in Southwest Florida. Interested in hearing from anyone growing it? ..3081 days 9hrs
Annonidium manii - Hey, thanks I just ordered seeds from them. Just wondering if anyone has any current pictures. Near impossible to get images of this tree or see anyone growing it...3102 days 9hrs
Annonidium manii - If anyone has any info or seeds for junglesop please let me know. I have 2 sprouting here in south Florida, however information and pictures are sparse. Would love to hear any growing experience or pictures?..3104 days 6hrs
What is this tree id please - Syzygium branderhorstii..3116 days 11hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

Lisar has LIKED the following:
Annonidium manii - I don't grow them as they are a bit big and take a while to fruit. Seeds take up to a year to germinate and the plants probably don't do as well south of Townsville...Liked Answer 3079 days 3hrs
Annonidium manii - I have a few more seedlings that may end up in that nursery...Liked Answer 3079 days 19hrs
Annonidium manii - Large seedling at Fruit Forest Farm..Liked Answer 3081 days 9hrs
Pouteria lucuma - I havn't contacted him in a long time,but if you are ever up that way he has a wonderful garden. He did have a web site but I cant seem to find it. Try looking for his nursery which is called Fruit Spirit Botanic Gardens. Good luck Sean..Liked Answer 3109 days 6hrs

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