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Pitaya Dragon fruit in all different colours available at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery
Pitaya Dragon fruit in all different colours available at Daleys Fruit Tree NurseryAstringent and non-astringent varietiesUse these promo codes to get special offers when placing a new orderGrapes available now

Fruitman's Edible Backyard

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Linton says... [2797 days 12hrs ago]
Hi Patrick Sorry but I don't have any spare Diamond River Longans left but you can buy seeds of it from Fruitlovers Nursery in Hawaii and they will send them here. It is not the best variety to grow as the fruit are a bit small. I do have a large fruiting Thai variety spare if you are interested in that one and it was grown from seed. There is a Longan tree in Springvale that has had fruit over Summer and they will grow outdoors in Melbourne. They don't need to be brought inside over Winter. But seed grown trees take a long time to fruit, maybe 7 - 10 years so it's better to get a grafted one in you can afford it as they will fruit much quicker. I had flowers on a grafted Longan this year that I have only had for 6 months so I expect it to fruit next year. Cheers!

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Fruitman Forum Contributions
Lychee tree - Thanks Steven for your input. I will try planting the lychee tree in a pot and then take it inside the house during the winter month. On this forum, Linton mentioned to you to check out the draft lychee tree at Police Road, Mulgrave back in Mar 13. Did yo..2798 days 12hrs
Lychee tree - I am just a beginner wanting to grow some tropical fruit trees in Melbourne. Has anyone try going lychee successfully in Melbourne? I am also keen to plant some of the tropical fruits such as longan, custard apple, paw paw, etc. I look forward to your inp..2800 days 9hrs

Pandanus - Edible 10/10

Fruitman's Edible Fruits
Update: 2798 days 12hrs

Comments: -

It allows me to have fresh pandam leaves for my Asian cooking

Planted: 2016

Height 0.5 metres

Growing: In a Pot

Qty: 2

Sun/Shade: Low Sun

Water Given in: Summer

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Farouk says... [2604 days 9hrs ago]
Hello, wondering if you would sell me some Pandanus -Edible seeds or seedlings (for planting)?

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