Fruitsnflowers1 Forum Contributions Coccinia grandistindora - Hi,
Does anyone have Tindora plant in Melbourne?
If so could I please have a cutting?
Thank you!..1127 days 15hrs
Fruitsnflowers1 has LIKED the following: Jujubes2 - Hello how you going. I don't grow the standard Jujubes any more as I think my conditions were not suitable for them to produce any fruit. I have dry sand that is water repellant so even after rain or watering it remains dry. So the problem wouldn..Liked Answer 1795 days 16hrs
Mangoes are one of my favourite fruits. Love tropical plants and growing them in Melbourne is a challenge but also quite rewarding when it's successful.
I had blossoms and tiny fruits on my mango tree in the second and third year but all the fruits fell. Does anyone have any advice on how to look after the blossoms and to get some fruits from mango tree.
Planted: 2018
Growing: In a Pot
Water Given in: Spring
Spring Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 1 of 3 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy