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Bugs1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 00/00/00 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Bugs1 Forum Contributions
Grafting avocados - HI everyone, thank you for your responses :) I've attached a few pictures of my little projects. Seasol bottle for scale on the small one. I'm guessing that the new growth on the rootstock is it trying to take over again. So I've trimme..1640 days 20hrs
Grafting avocados - Thank you that was very helpful. I was going to use a standard V-cut saddle graft just for the sake of keeping things simple. I figure that if I can make the V fairly deep that's more surface area of cambium touching, hopefully increasing the chan..1643 days 20hrs
Grafting avocados - Hi I have two avocado saplings that have been grown from seed. One is 110cm tall the other is 90cm tall. I was hoping to graft each to the rootstock of the other. They are similar age and diameter so they should be a good match in that respect. M..1645 days 23hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

Bugs1 has LIKED the following:
Grafting avocados - @jakfruit etiquette For scionwood: first use a knife to cut deep into the bark of the scionwood, try a flat cut, then remove a rectangular part of the bark, carefully separate the bark and the wood, then cut off the wood (not necessarily flat cut). Then..Liked Answer 1640 days 19hrs
Grafting avocados - There is no Maximum size for grafting, except that you have to be able to make the cuts with the knife without too much resistance causing ragged cuts or splitting. Also the wound surfaces have to heal callous over etc. As the sapling gets thicker, its ge..Liked Answer 1640 days 20hrs
Grafting avocados - Actually there are other ways to do the grafting, I have tried different ways from tiny buds (7-8 cm tall) to 3 meters high. One special grafting is very interesting, I don't know if anyone has tried that on avocado trees. How I did it: cut the av..Liked Answer 1640 days 20hrs
Grafting avocados - Hi Bugs, no the graft surface does not rise as the tree grows taller, you can see the different barks on old grafted trees still 6 inch above the ground. Nearly any double or multi grafted tree can have problems of one scion taking over, and rootstock su..Liked Answer 1640 days 20hrs
Avocado leaf - Avocado leaves turned out brown and wrinkly. Some affected and some havent. Eventually leaves go all the way brown and dropped off. Can you please someone know what is causing and tell me how to fix it? Many thanks in advance..Liked Question 1657 days 16hrs

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