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Tryhardgardener's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 07/12/19 Frost:
Location: YASS

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Tryhardgardener Forum Contributions
Dwarf coffee - Thanks for your reply Farouk, I am keeping an eye on it I have it on the eastern side of the house out of the hot western winds and it gets shade from about 2pm and I give it a quick shower of water every day trying to mimmick tropical afternoon rain. Its..1878 days 4hrs
Dwarf coffee - Well trying to grow coffee way down south in Yass (southern highlands NSW) it has doubled in size since last jan and survived our freezing winter all though it was indoors for winter behind a north facing window (seemed very happy) although with the crazy..1890 days 12hrs

Coffee K7

Tryhardgardener's Edible Fruits
Update: 1890 days 12hrs

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