Dwarf Coffee (forum)
2 responses
Tryhardgardener starts with ...
Well trying to grow coffee way down south in Yass (southern highlands NSW) it has doubled in size since last jan and survived our freezing winter all though it was indoors for winter behind a north facing window (seemed very happy) although with the crazy weather and a bit going on I think I left it there too long before moving it back outside 2 weeks ago. It has some brown and green leaves and a bit of leaf curl but there is new growth and white flower buds coming on. I have given it some citrus fertilizer and am watering it every 2nd day does it need anything else? Cheers
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Time: 7th December 2019 10:55am
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People who Like this Question Farouk
About the Author Tryhardgardener
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Farouk says...
I'm no expert in growing Coffee but from what you've explained & what I see it's a healthy plant just some leaf burn totally normal here at this time of the year, happens to almost all plants such as Avocado too & many fruit trees mainly naturally part shaded trees such as coffee too they are probably usually not in full sun also it could be adjusting to full sun since you had it in doors then took it out into the low summer sun, I suggest keeping the soil moist, keep doing what you've been doing as it seems to be thriving, well done - keep us updated!
Time: 18th December 2019 3:24pm
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Original Post was last edited: 18th December 2019 4:31pmAbout the Author Farouk
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Tryhardgardener says...
Thanks for your reply Farouk, I am keeping an eye on it I have it on the eastern side of the house out of the hot western winds and it gets shade from about 2pm and I give it a quick shower of water every day trying to mimmick tropical afternoon rain. Its a bit hard at the moment though with this extreme weather :-(
Time: 19th December 2019 7:40pm
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People who Like this Answer: Farouk
About the Author Tryhardgardener
#UserID: 21325
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