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Jack's Edible Backyard

Joined: 26/11/08 Updated: 27/11/08 Frost:
Location: Calingiri


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Jack Forum Contributions
Fertilizing rainforest trees - any suggestions on what to feed my plants would help, my sanity is my business...5781 days 10hrs
Fertilizing rainforest trees - Planted out a group of rainforest tubers in november, koda, red cedar, lilly pilly, tamarind and euodia. now we are in april and autumn rains here start around anzac day do i need to feed them anything or do anything before winter?..5790 days 14hrs
Shipping syndicate of plants to perthwa - the nursery i have been using for tubers and bulbs is Garden express, bulbs are not a drama, tubers come in a mini green house that does not hold water, so usually find i have at least one dead plant in each order, but i also dont pay much for freight or..5918 days 17hrs
Shipping syndicate of plants to perthwa - yes mine arrived 27/11 about 1 hour after i got the phone call to say i have been made redundant with no notice, bills to pay and no payout! anyway the trees where in great condition and much better packed than what a victorian plant nursery i have used b..5920 days 10hrs
Coffee - read online (nestle) that a average coffee tree will only produce 500gm a year of coffee, ie 500gm after you roast and grind it. am thinking of growing a couple trees, but that is a very low return for the effort and years you put into it, but also am sce..5921 days 15hrs

Lilly Pilly Creek

Jack's Edible Fruits

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Jack's Edible Fruits

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Pink Euodia

Jack's Edible Fruits

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Red Cedar

Jack's Edible Fruits

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Small leaf tamarind

Jack's Edible Fruits

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