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Fertilizing Rainforest trees

    3 responses

jack starts with ...
Planted out a group of rainforest tubers in november, koda, red cedar, lilly pilly, tamarind and euodia. now we are in april and autumn rains here start around anzac day do i need to feed them anything or do anything before winter?
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6th April 2009 10:01am
#UserID: 1671
Posts: 7
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Mark says...
Are you growing 'Lilly Pilly' Deliberately!? Are you nuts or something? If not, then I really Do Hope that you have a very Large property for them! They are not terribly large,but it's just the mess they make with those purple berries. The berries ripen & fall,so you pick them up. Trouble is, you will never get them all. So, the next year you will have about 1,000 or so little Lilly Pilly seedlings sprouting everywhere! For God's sakes Don't Feed Them! They grow like a weed when just left alone! I can't imagine what it would be like if you were to help them grow! .... They Are pretty though,& you can make a nice jam from the berries!
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8th April 2009 6:39pm
#UserID: 1776
Posts: 61
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jack says...
any suggestions on what to feed my plants would help, my sanity is my business.
About the Author
15th April 2009 2:33pm
#UserID: 1671
Posts: 7
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Mark says...
Well Jack, If growing Lilly Pillys is your Business,that's a different kettle of fish! But you will still get Thousands of tiny trees from when those berries fall, & you still have No Need to feed them Anything! BUT,, IF You absolutely MUST feed them something, Try Seasol(or Seaweed mixed into a drum of water & left to soak, or Blood & Bone. Honestly, You really don't needanything else! (unless they are sickly).
About the Author
15th April 2009 4:21pm
#UserID: 1776
Posts: 61
View All Mark12's Edible Fruit Trees
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