Melody2350's Edible Backyard
08/07/21 Updated:
22/09/22 Frost: Location: RANKIN PARK * You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy
Melody2350 has LIKED the following:
Soursop tree for sydney region - Peak season for this fruit here now . Friends have just sent down 2 pallets to Sydney Markets... Liked Answer 851 days 24hrs
Jaboticaba6 - I planted it in full soil now but the rootball was still small, would also fit in a 20 litre pot. It gets full sun untill 3 pm.
I don't stake it anymore, Just let it weep and do it's thing.
Mike your tree looked more like a real tree i remember, no.. Liked Answer 1232 days 13hrs
Jujubes2 - Hi Juanita,
Wow, Very productive jujube tree for a small pot just like the chang variety.
I have never covered mine with net against birds, it is all depending to the area you live in. Have you had any problem with birds eating your fruits?
My .. Liked Answer 1254 days 1hrs
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