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Soursop tree for Sydney region

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Kal starts with ...
Which one of your soursop tree is best for Sydney, Australia?
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6th March 2013 10:51pm
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trikus says...
None , it is a very tropicaL \tree .
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8th March 2013 10:02am
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amanda says...
A nursery in Perth is now selling soursop plants...so looks like folks will just be wasting their money then trikus?
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8th March 2013 10:11am
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trikus says...
In an ideal sub-tropical micro-climate you may get fruit . Supposedly some fruit near Brisbane , but I knew expert growers who tried in Bundy for 20 years never getting any . Someone will try and prove me wrong ... but it is a tropical tree .. Tea from the leaves for cancer cure , now thats a different matter ;-)
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8th March 2013 5:12pm
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John Mc says...
Both mine have been growing steadily here, just north of sydney, for the past three to four years, in the ground surrounded by tall Eucalypts. One is grafted, frost free area.
I'm keen to get some Mountain Soursop seedlings on the go thanks to a newly found friend who generously sent me some fresh seed, which has germinated already. Apparently they are more cold tolerant. Here's hoping they do well.
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Warnervale NSW
8th March 2013 9:45pm
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David says...
That someone is me,in Brisbane oldest tree is a seedling now 22yrs old and fruits without fail every year. Now though its a competition between me and the fruit bats as to who gets them first.
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8th March 2013 10:51pm
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subtropical melbourne says...
john mc, could you kindly sell me some of your mountain soursop seedlings i am going to grow it in my greenhouse in melbounre
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subtropical melbourne
9th March 2013 2:17pm
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nickg says...
Hi Amanda, can you let me know which nursery has them, i want to buy a plant.
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9th March 2013 7:42pm
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amanda says...
Hi nickg - Wandilla nursery has/had them...apparantly they sold out fast and are taking orders for more tho..
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10th March 2013 7:01pm
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Linton says...
Hi Subtropical Melbourne

You can grow mountain soursops from seeds which are readily available on the internet. However they must be fresh to germinate. I had a couple of them sprout recently.
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Springvale, Vic
20th March 2013 11:46pm
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Willis Utama says...
Hi I am looking for Soursop leave, I really need the leave for my brother got Cancer....please let me know. and I want to buy Soursop tree....
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Willis Utama
28th March 2013 11:04pm
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Linton says...
Anonna Montana - Mountain Soursops still popping up!

They were all planted at the same time but have been germinating at different times over the past few months. Another one just popped up which you can see just coming out behind the first seedling in front.

They first emerge as U-shape, like an ostrich with it's head in the sand. Then when the U-part gets to 1 - 2 inches high, the head comes out of the soil, the leaves come out and the stem straightens up.
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Springvale, Vic
29th April 2013 6:36pm
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Hi Linton,

I am sure your mountain soursop will do well in Melbourne. I have seen a big tree with some mature fruits last year from a house in Haughton road facing the railway line near Huntingdale station. The house has fejoa plants grown as hedging shrubs in the front.

Good luck to your plant.

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30th April 2013 12:21pm
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Linton says...
Mountain Soursop

Hi Lucy, I'm surprised to hear there is a big tree growing near here as I wasn't sure if they could make it through the winter. You are welcome to one of my seedlings if interested. Cheers!
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Springvale, Vic
30th April 2013 7:40pm
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Hi Linton,

Once again many thanks for your generosity in offering me a mountain sour sop plant. I am very much appreciated.

Unfortunately, I ran out of room so I won't take it.

Good luck to your plant. I am sure they will do well.
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1st May 2013 8:53am
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Original Post was last edited: 1st May 2013 8:54am
trikus says...
Peak season for this fruit here now . Friends have just sent down 2 pallets to Sydney Markets.
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5th May 2013 9:05pm
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trikus says...
Given 2 massive guanabanas yesterday , used one to make several smoothies .
My favourite is with lots of tangy citrus , used 2 different limes and a homegrown grapefruit along with lots of bananas . Flavour of guanabana can be noticed over citrus tang .. very thick .

Found a few fallen Canistel and added one with a carrot to leftover smoothie ..
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11th May 2013 11:58am
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David says...
4 soursops on the seedling tree not sure if will ripen at this time of year.Sooooo close to ready.
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11th May 2013 2:21pm
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trikus says...
That is the main problem with them , fruit just not mature enough with winter coming . Maybe forcing much earlier flowering and heavy feeding to bring on fruiting much earlier .
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11th May 2013 7:57pm
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John Mc says...
Sorry to butt in, but I'm also hoping for enough warm weather for these beauties to ripen before winter closes in. Last year the young tree held onto it's first fruit over winter. This year it appeared to set earlier.
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11th May 2013 10:25pm
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RONY says...
Hi Linton,

I live in Wyndham Vale and wanted to get a Soursops Seedling. Can you please help me in this regards.

Let me know.

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12th May 2013 5:17pm
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Linton says...
Hi Rony

the only way you could get it is to pick one up as they are still very tiny.

The thing is, it's very far from Wyndham Vale to Springvale, hardly worth the 3 hour round trip. It would be best to wait until you might be coming to this side of town rather than making a special trip. Cheers!
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Springvale, Vic
13th May 2013 10:39am
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RONY says...
Many Thanks Linton. Good advice. So, when I will go that way I will let you know. Will you please send your contact number to my email --->


Thanks again,

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14th May 2013 8:17pm
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casper says...
Hi John - if you have any surplus mountain soursop seedlings, could I please buy off you (or a swap - whilst I have many fruit trees, the only thing I could swap at the moment is a Tamarind tree (not the Australian native)). Thanks
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14th June 2013 10:04pm
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denise1 says...
Some sources say the mountain soursop is tasting very poor. Any feedback. Surely it would be better to grow a cherimoyer in the same spot instead.
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auckland NZ
15th June 2013 8:51am
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VF says...
Hi Denise, the one's I've had were about 4-5 out of 10. Great aroma, but tasting like pineapple but without acidity or sweetness. Fibrous and seedy, but alot of creaminess too amongst fibre - possibly good in a smoothy with other fruits (I never got around to doing this). Apparently a fast grower and fruiting plant,and tolerates cool well - if someone could select a superior strain and improve it it could be a winner. I think many just use the plants' leaves same as regular soursop, as a supposed medicinal tea. I agree that as a fruit, Cherimoya definitely a better option.
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15th June 2013 9:13am
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denise1 says...
Sounds good enough. Perhaps it would also be a hardy rootstock for normal soursop. Has anyone tried it. I have a few soursop on pond apple but am told they will eventually fail.
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auckland NZ
15th June 2013 11:06am
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Mike says...
Soursops are pretty small and fruit fairly quickly so there is less need for grafting than many annonas.Mountain soursops are not as good as A.muricata.
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15th June 2013 7:22pm
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John Mc says...
Hey Casper,
Yes, I can send you a couple of very immature seedlings, compliments originally from VF, she has been very patient waiting on a couple of things also, so I'll get them all away on Mon, now things have settled down a little..
I can be contacted at
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15th June 2013 8:29pm
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John Mc says...
Anyone considering a purchase from a country such as Nigera, please do your due diligence.
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23rd July 2013 8:14am
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bineet says...
hi i would like to buy seedling to send it to Nepal..so where can i get it in sydney
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ashfield nsw
8th August 2013 1:50pm
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Boris Spasky says...
Let me give you my bank details, safe pin and code for my numbered Swiss account. Just one moment...
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Boris Spasky
22nd August 2013 10:32pm
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Andrew79 says...
Hi David
Will you be able to send me some fresh seeds from your mountain soursop tree.

I am building a green house and really want to have a soursop tree in it.

Thak you
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Narre Warren
14th May 2014 8:58am
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TMary says...
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Neutral Bay NSW
14th May 2014 9:17am
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MaryT says...
David are your soursop ready?
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14th May 2014 9:19am
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David says...
Hi Mary sad to say the last of the season was some 3 wks ago ,but if you want some seed I have an over ripe fruit in the fridge which ive been keeping.There are some smaller ones coming on but with the cooler weather setting in particularly the nights wont see any more ripen till maybe spring ,but have had on occasion some through winter if we have enough rain to pump them up to size. How are you going health wise now been a while since we talked, do hope you are ok.
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14th May 2014 5:46pm
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TMary says...
Thanks, David; I am managing though I tire. I was just asking for Andrew79 (above) because I bumped his question off with the photo. :). I won't be growing soursop. Trying to make room at the moment.
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Neutral Bay NSW
14th May 2014 6:16pm
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David says...
Hi Andrew, Sadly the soursop in question is the tropical variety, not the mountain kind if still interested post a reply on the forum here.
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14th May 2014 6:57pm
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Diana says...
I have a soursop fruiting for the first time this year in Kenmore (it is five). I have a friend with a productive one several years older than this in Yeronga.
Some fruit in Kyogle http://www.daleysfruit.com.au/buy/soursop-kyogle-tree.htm

I really love soursop, my favourite fruit.

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14th May 2014 8:25pm
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MJ says...
Hi, l would like to know where l can get soursop seedling or a plant in Melbourne Mornington Peninsula area. THank you.
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7th October 2014 12:29am
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Original Post was last edited: 7th October 2014 12:28am
sternus1 says...
Unless you have a heated polyhouse, your chances of growing soursop successfully in Melbourne are probably very, very slim.
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7th October 2014 5:49pm
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MJ says...
Oh really. =( Melbournes weather is prity bad. I might just have to find where to buy the fruit. Thank you for info
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7th October 2014 10:10pm
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JohnMc1 says...
Yes, and I'll be digging mine up as soon as the Polytunnel is constructed. It's been in the ground here for over 4 years and is still no more than a broomstick. we had a couple of particularly cold nights this year, down to +2
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Warnervale NSW
8th October 2014 7:34am
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Linton says...

Last year I grew Mountain Soursop plants in Melbourne - Annona Montana. I think it's probably the only variety of Soursop which can be grown successfully down here. But according to various reports the fruit are not so good and highly variable.

Yes, you can buy good Soursop fruit in the shops around here as they are probably brought down from Queensland when in season, so they are very, very expensive.

Expect to pay more than $10 for one large fruit!

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Springvale, Vic
8th October 2014 8:16pm
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Bessan says...
Hi I was just wondering if you have soursop fruits at the moment.
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6th November 2014 9:50am
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Bessan says...
Hi Linton,

I was just wondering if you still have soursop seeds.

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6th November 2014 9:54am
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Linton says...

Large size Soursop fruit sighted in a big box at Parkmore Fruit and Vegetables today. But the price was $50/kg. So I didn't buy any.........I don't think so!
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Springvale, Vic
17th January 2015 9:31am
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denise1 says...
You could find frozen soursop pulp at chinese or asian food shop. Or grow cherimoya or custard apple.
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auckland NZ
17th January 2015 10:27am
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denise1 says...
Try dipping cotton wool in lemonade.
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auckland NZ
17th January 2015 10:28am
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Waterfall says...
I have a small tree I've grown from seed here in Sydney, I don't really expect it to survive but have nothing to lose really.
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17th January 2015 10:39am
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JohnMc1 says...
I though I lost mine last winter but they're shooting back.
I'm just an hour's drive north of Sydney.
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Warnervale NSW
17th January 2015 11:47am
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sternus1 says...
I think a masticating juicer is really required to get the best out of soursop, but they are pretty pricey. There is a cultivar known as whitmans fibreless which isn't available in Australia.
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17th January 2015 12:49pm
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denise1 says...
I have in Auckland a soursop tree in a pot. It is a survivor of a bunch of them, 50cms tall branching profusely with lots of healthy leaves. The greenhouse has the door open every day in winter and I dont water it a lot. You really need a suntrap garden with lots of protection against wind so that the warm air isnt blown away. Also sunny walls and corners are a help. Otherwise there is little chance of success.
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auckland NZ
17th January 2015 12:53pm
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Waterfall says...
That is what I have been building at my place denise. The garden bed is behind this wind break I have built from polycarbonate roof sheeting, it gets sun all day long all year round.
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17th January 2015 1:45pm
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Roy says says...
Hi guys
Just started looking into soursop trees etc.alot of useful information
I would like to purchase a tree or seedlings to grow in sydney
Does anyone know how it would go and if i can buy a tree or seedlings in sydney
Cheers Guys
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Roy says
30th July 2015 7:30am
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Waterfall says...
Roy I grew mine from the seed of a fruit purchased in Cabramatta. Alternately I have seen them for sale at Canley Vale nursery or just order one online from Daleys.

I am almost certain you will need to put it in a greenhouse in Sydney over winter, this is what I have done for mine.
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30th July 2015 8:49am
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sternus1 says...
Daleys are selling the giant variety now which will be markedly better than anything else sold anywhere in Australia. Fruits are huge and can weigh 15kg.

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30th July 2015 12:38pm
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Thithi says...
Giant soursops are not in stock though. My soursop was ok at 1c, but is miserable now after 2 days of below -1c. Not sure whether it still is alive or not?
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30th July 2015 2:29pm
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Samlee says...
in my province, there are many this tree. if you really need it, let's contact me. if you need to cure cancer for your relatives. I will donate it for you.

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Ho Chi Minh city
21st August 2015 12:05pm
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Original Post was last edited: 21st August 2015 12:05pm
Clementina says...
John can you kindly sell me some seedling 🌱 I live in sydney west I'll be very grateful
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10th August 2019 8:49am
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IanW says...
My Kyogle soursop has slowly lost all its leaves over winter. I have it in a little ALDI greenhouse. I can only hope the leaves will grow back in Spring. I'm in Inner West Sydney.
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24th August 2019 2:23pm
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Original Post was last edited: 24th August 2019 2:23pm
MelbFruit says...
Linton, what ended up happening with your mountain soursop? Did you graft anything to them? I am debating if it is worth the trouble to grow some rootstock to graft a "normal" soursop or maybe a rollinia to them. It might be too much effort and coddling when there are many other subtropical fruits that would do better in Melb.
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23rd September 2022 10:11am
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Linton says...
No they succumbed to being outdoors over winter. They should do alright in a greenhouse tho.
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29th September 2022 8:04pm
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