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Casper's Edible Backyard

Joined: 06/01/13 Updated: 29/10/13 Frost:
Location: Beaumont Hills

About My Edible Backyard

Why Casper Love's Edible Plants



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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Casper Forum Contributions
About baelleaf tree1 - Hi Nalina I purchased mine from Forbidden Fruits Nursery online - they do not show it on their website but you can email them (Ask under the botanical name Aegle Marmelos)..3882 days 10hrs
Bilimbi seedlings - Pls email: zachry5000@yahoo.com.au..4114 days 20hrs
Bilimbi seedlings - I have these for sale. Please contact me for details...4120 days 20hrs
Bilimbi2 - I have Bilimbi seedlings for sale - please contact me for details..4120 days 20hrs
Soursop tree for sydney region - Hi John - if you have any surplus mountain soursop seedlings, could I please buy off you (or a swap - whilst I have many fruit trees, the only thing I could swap at the moment is a Tamarind tree (not the Australian native)). Thanks..4257 days 10hrs

Grumichama - Black (Grafted)

Casper's Edible Fruits
Update: 4120 days 20hrs

Planted: 2012

Height 120 Centimetres

Growing: In a Pot

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Pollination: Self Pollination

Pest Control:  

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Lime - Tahitian (Grafted)

Casper's Edible Fruits
Update: 4120 days 20hrs

Planted: 2012

Height 120 Centimetres

Growing: In a Pot

Qty: 1

First Fruited: 12 Months from Purchase in Pot

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Spring

Pollination: Self Pollination

When I Fertilise: Spring

Organic Status:Organic

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Goji Berry - Shrub (Seedling)

Casper's Edible Fruits
Update: 4257 days 9hrs

Comments: - Fruited reasonably well last summer - but unfortunately, i didn't get any of the fruits - the birds had a feast though

Fruiting Months January, February, March, December

Height 250 Centimetres

Growing: In a Pot

Qty: 2

First Fruited: 8 Months from Purchase in Pot

Sun/Shade: Full Sun


Pollination: Self Pollination

Organic Status:Organic

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Kumquat - Meiwa (Grafted)

Casper's Edible Fruits
Update: 4257 days 9hrs

Height 100 Centimetres

Growing: In a Pot

Qty: 1

First Fruited: 8 Months from Purchase in Pot

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Pollination: Self Pollination

Organic Status:Organic

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Rose Apple (Seedling)

Casper's Edible Fruits
Update: 4257 days 9hrs

Height 120 Centimetres

Growing: In a Pot

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Pollination: Self Pollination

Organic Status:Organic

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Pomegranate - Azerbaijani (Grafted)

Casper's Edible Fruits
Update: 4257 days 9hrs

Height 80 Centimetres

Qty: 1


Pollination: Self Pollination

Organic Status:Organic

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Blueberry - Brightwell (Grafted) 7/10

Casper's Edible Fruits
Update: 4257 days 9hrs

Comments: - Love the fruit

Height 50 Centimetres

Growing: In a Pot

Qty: 1

First Fruited: 6 Months from Purchase in Pot

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Pollination: Self Pollination

Organic Status:Organic

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Carambola Starfruit - Kary (Grafted)

Casper's Edible Fruits
Update: 4257 days 9hrs

Height 120 Centimetres

Growing: In a Pot

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Tamarind (Seedling)

Casper's Edible Fruits
Update: 4257 days 9hrs

Comments: - I grew this from seed (purchased from the US). The seedlings are healthy - am curious to see whether it will fruit and if so, when.

Height 30 Centimetres

Growing: In a Pot

Qty: 4

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Farouk says... [2088 days 15hrs ago]
Hi Casper, how is your Tamarind going?

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Dwarf Peach - Sunset Backyard Beauty (Grafted)

Casper's Edible Fruits
Update: 4257 days 9hrs

Height 80 Centimetres

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Pollination: Self Pollination

Organic Status:Organic

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Jaboticaba - Grafted (Grafted)

Casper's Edible Fruits
Update: 4257 days 9hrs

Planted: 2012

Height 80 Centimetres

Growing: In a Pot

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Pollination: Self Pollination

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Guava Hawaiian - Pink Supreme

Casper's Edible Fruits
Update: 4257 days 9hrs

Planted: 2013

Height 100 Centimetres

Growing: In a Pot

Qty: 1

First Fruited: 2 Months from Purchase in Pot

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Spring

Pollination: Self Pollination

Fertiliser or Organics Used: Blood and bone

When I Fertilise: Spring

Organic Status:Organic

Question: I have grown up eating ripe guavas straight from the tree - this appears similar to what I am used to - will wait and see. 

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Fig Black Genoa (Grafted)

Casper's Edible Fruits
Update: 4257 days 9hrs

Comments: - The fruits look pretty!

Height 120 Centimetres

Growing: In a Pot

Qty: 1

First Fruited: 4 Months from Purchase in Pot

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Pollination: Self Pollination

When I Fertilise: When Fruiting

Organic Status:Organic

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Peach - Angel Subtropical PBR (Grafted)

Casper's Edible Fruits
Update: 4257 days 9hrs

Comments: - Absolutely love this fruit

Planted: 2012

Height 120 Centimetres

Growing: In a Pot

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Pollination: Self Pollination

When I Fertilise: Yearly

Organic Status:Organic

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Mango - R2E2

Casper's Edible Fruits
Update: 4257 days 9hrs

Comments: - Growing nicely and is bushing up. All the branches have flower buds on them - wondering whether the buds will flower or set fruit?

Height 80 Centimetres

Growing: In a Pot

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Pollination: Self Pollination

When I Fertilise: When Fruiting

Pest Control: None so far

Organic Status:Organic

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Mango - Florigon (Grafted)

Casper's Edible Fruits
Update: 4257 days 9hrs

Comments: - I had a Florigan Mango plant in my backyard about 6 years ago (which I pulled out in a fit of stupidity) - which was fruiting. I loved the sweet mangoes. This is the replacement plant. It flowered and set fruit (approx 6)  and was doing quite nicely. Unfortunately, my (beautiful) westie jumped on the tree whilst chasing some birds - that was the end of those mangoes as the whole branch broke. The plant has recovered well and am hoping for some fruits this year.

Planted: 2012

Height 100 Centimetres

Growing: In a Pot

Qty: 1

First Fruited: 6 Months from Purchase in Pot

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Pollination: Self Pollination

Pest Control: No pests so far

Organic Status:Organic

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Dwarf Nectarine - Sunset Backyard Beauty (Grafted)

Casper's Edible Fruits
Update: 4416 days 20hrs

Comments: - I love the vibrant colours of the leaves. Purchased from Daleys (bare root) in Sept 2012. Plant was very healthy and flowered and set fruit soon afterwards. However, the plant did not receive much wind protection and all the fruits were lost. 

Planted: 2012

Height 60 Centimetres

Growing: In a Pot

Qty: 1

First Fruited: 3 Months from Purchase in Pot

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Pollination: Self Pollination

Fertiliser or Organics Used: Blood and Bone

When I Fertilise: Spring

Pest Control: No pests yet

Organic Status:Organic

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(Seedling) 5/10

Casper's Edible Fruits
Update: 4416 days 20hrs

Comments: - I originally purchased my Curry tree from Daleys in 2002 and planted it in the ground. The plant grew over 3 metres tall and provided very good shade!!. However, I recently renovated the backyard and the tree had to be cut down. I saved 6-8 seedlings in the last months - hence this current plant is a seedling from the original plant.

Planted: 2012

Height 20 Centimetres

Growing: In a Pot

Qty: 2

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Pollination: Self Pollination

Fertiliser or Organics Used: Blood and bone

When I Fertilise: Spring

Organic Status:Organic

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