Lovefruit Forum Contributions
Tropic sun custard apple - Thank you Jenny for your suggestion.
Sorry I mean, storing the pollen in the fridge.
I hope will do better time next year then as no more flower on the cherimoya and only a few flowers left on the tropic sun.
Just a question, when you see a male flowe..
3755 days 19hrs
Tropic sun custard apple - Hi,
I have hand pollination more than 30 flowers of tropic sun custard apple (4 years old) and sofia cherimoya(3 years old) in the last 4 weeks but none turn into fruit, really frustrated atm. I collected pollen from completely OPEN flower around 6-7P..
3758 days 1hrs
Rollinia - Hi,
The attached are pictures of grafted young sick rollinia. Around September the tree had a lot of new branches/leaves but the branch length was just about 10cm, then it dropped. Now it has only 3 braches left. The leaves were very light green and..
3772 days 0hrs
Chuoi cau banana plant - Hi Thao,
You can have the chuoi cau sucker for free if you can pickup from Fairfield...
4077 days 0hrs
Nashi in sydney - Hello Michael,
Let me know how to contact you if you still want to sell the Li Jujube. ..
4425 days 0hrs