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Nick's Edible Backyard

Joined: 26/11/08 Updated: 27/11/08 Frost:
Location: Sydney


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Nick Forum Contributions
My great idea2 - Correy - thanks for the update. Perhaps you could let the user filter the list so that he/she could see all plants or just thos in stock. I can see merit in both forms of the list. BTW - I must say I'm very impressed witht the overall great attitude..5916 days 1hrs
My great idea2 - Corey - I tried the fruit tree selector but it seems that a lot of fruit trees are 'missing' from the selector (e.g. citrus). Is this something that is being addressed? - the tool is a great idea, but not much use without the full underlying database a..5917 days 19hrs
Tamarillos1 - Thanks Scott - would be keen to see a photo, so that I can see what I'm aiming for!..5925 days 23hrs
Tamarillos1 - My (recently acquired) Tamarillos are doing well but I notice one of them has developed a second stem. Should I remove this (i.e. are they meant to have just one stem to achieve maximum vertical growth?)..5926 days 17hrs
Passionfruit2 - Hi I planted a grafted passionfruit vine a year ago and it has grown spectacularly and is very healthy. When will it flower/fuit? There is no sign of it flowering...5946 days 17hrs

Australian Rare Fruit Review Magazine 2008

Nick's Edible Fruits

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