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My Great Idea

    52 responses

Kath starts with ...
I will start us off...

My great idea is to have a section on Daley's web site where we can all log in, called My Daley's Nursery. Once logged in I will be able to see all the trees I have purchased and when I purchased them. I will be able to make notes on how successful my plantings have been, what has thrived and what has not. I could also create a diary or calendar to keep track of when and what I have used to fertilize my trees with and record any pest or disease outbreaks as well as keeping records of the crop from my trees, quantity and quality of the fruits. I will be able to create a map of my orchard which shows me where I have planted each particular variety. And I will be able to upload photos of my trees, orchard, fruit etc, which I can share with everyone else who is interested to log into My Daleys Nursery.
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24th November 2008 2:25pm
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Justin says...
That sounds like a great idea, Kath. It would be great if we could also run some ad hoc reports off the data, to answer such questions as "What percentage of X plant of Y variety survived after Z years within 100 km of my location". Or "How long does it take on average for X plant of Y variety to fruit in my city". That way we could potentially draw some conclusions around the best plants and varieties for our location, or the best feeding regimes, fruit yields etc. Or if that's not possible, a set of most commonly requested statistics, such as survivability rates of all stocked plants in each major city/region.

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24th November 2008 4:53pm
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John says...
I would like to see an estimated wait time til the plant is ready either as days/weeks of a month eg 30 days or "janaury".
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24th November 2008 4:53pm
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Ray Burton says...
Hi Kath, I have purchased many dwarf fruit tree varieties from Daley's over the years and they are all doing very well. In a more transient society such as we have in 2008 I think this is a great way to go for the home gardener. I live on 3 acres but I still prefer dwarf varieties in large pots similar to what you see in Europe. Why? because fruit picking is easier, they are easier to fertilize, check and remedy for pests, plus you can take them with you when you sell your property and move on. Also, city and suburban dwellers can grow these fruit trees on their patio's and balcony's. This would give Daley's a much larger client base and enable gardeners to grow their own "organic" fruits. What I am saying here is to keep your dwarf fruit tree research going because you excel in this area and maintain your focus on these dwarf varieties because I believe it is a key to Daley's future expansion in sales. I have included a photograph of one of my Brazil Cherries in a 100L pot. Keep up the great work!

Ray Burton {Tallebudgera Qld.}
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1
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Ray Burton
25th November 2008 7:25am
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Frank says...
I think it would be advantageous for your website to have a questions and answers section. After purchasing one of your plants and requesting some after sales advice, I was told to go to the library to find a book. Unfortunately I have not been able to find the book and have had no success in finding the expert advice I require.
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25th November 2008 8:17am
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Correy (Daleys Website Guy) says...
Justin: Re: Plants surviving within 100km.

I am working on a mapping program right now which could possibly do what you say. It is not ready yet and has bugs but you are more then welcome to try it out and give me Some feedback... Here it is:

My Edible Fruits

I am hoping to launch it with our next newsletter in January. The hard part is making it good enough so that everyone with edibles will give us accurate address details so that I can get relative distances calculated from longtitude and latitude.
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26th November 2008 7:36am
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Correy (Daleys Website Guy) says...
Justin Re: Estimated Wait time

This is something I would love us to do, Just recently we added the "In propogation" and "seeking propogation material". Here is the blog entry I did at the time.


At the time I tried to persuade to give approximate times but the points against this was that when we are dealing with live plants it is different to other businesses such as electronics, books, etc because plants can often die, get stunted growth and cuttings and grafts just don't take. So we thought it best not to get peoples hopes up and just tell people if we are propogating them or not.

Perhaps there is another solution so it is good you bought this one up.
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26th November 2008 7:45am
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Jantina says...
Correy and Kath, great work! only now I will spend even more time on the net figuring out more fruits that might succeed in Mt. Gambier.
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Mt. Gambier S.A.
26th November 2008 7:59am
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Correy (Daleys Website Guy) says...
Re: Ray More Dwarf Fruit Trees

I agree Ray. Daleys really need more passionate staff to propagate dwarfs. Did you need a job?
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26th November 2008 7:59am
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Correy (Daleys Website Guy) says...
Frank Re: Expert Advice

Have you created a forum with the advice you seek?

Here are some of the things we are doing with the website to try and build up the question and answer.

Underneath each variety there is the option for people to give tips on how to best grow that variety.
Example: Dragon Fruit

This Fruit Tree Forum

Our Fruit Tree Blog

For Quick answers to basic questions eg Will it grow in pots, does it need a propogation source. What months does it fruit. Our Choosing Fruit Trees selector

And what I believe will be the best tool which will be released next month (fingers crossed) a space where people can share their orchard, ask questions and have them answered about each of their own edible fruits:
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26th November 2008 8:11am
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John says...
The reason I wanted a time to readiness for sale is if something is 2 years away, you can make the decision to go with an laternative crop if you don't wont to wait.
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26th November 2008 12:05pm
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Nick says...
Corey - I tried the fruit tree selector but it seems that a lot of fruit trees are 'missing' from the selector (e.g. citrus). Is this something that is being addressed? - the tool is a great idea, but not much use without the full underlying database available.

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26th November 2008 12:37pm
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Justin says...
The My Edible Fruits page looks like it could be useful tool, Correy. Will have a play with it and post feedback if have any.
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27th November 2008 7:54am
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Correy (Daleys Website Guy) says...
Nick ( Choosing Fruit Trees Not showing many results )

The reason was because I had it set to only display what we have in stock.

I have changed it to include even plants not in stock now.

Thanks for the tip.
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27th November 2008 10:41am
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Correy (Daleys Website Guy) says...
John. Re more accurate times when plants will be ready for sale.

Good point I will bring it up and we will see if we can brainstorm some systems we could put in place that could achieve this.
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27th November 2008 10:45am
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Nick says...
Correy - thanks for the update. Perhaps you could let the user filter the list so that he/she could see all plants or just thos in stock. I can see merit in both forms of the list.

BTW - I must say I'm very impressed witht the overall great attitude/passion that Daley's & yourself obbviously have for what you're doing. Imagine if everything in life was like this!
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28th November 2008 6:41am
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Firefly says...
Correy, in the interest of accuracy is it possible to have the fruit tree selector list varieties that Daleys doesn't carry, or without a cultivar at all?

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Penrith NSW
28th November 2008 8:13pm
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Con Tassi says...
This may not be a new idea but just in case here it is. My school like many other schools across the country have erected horticulture enclosures in an effort to introduce to our techno-computer-crazy students that there are other things in life that are more important and perhaps more rewarding ....like growing and looking after plants, harvesting and selling the produce grown (entrepreneurial skills) etc. Trees of many varieties and their care are also favoured in order to add interest to the course. Perhaps a mail-out exposure of your varieties may be a good way of promoting Daleys Trees. The best part of all is that it is a Government instrumentality you are dealing with. School are always working with mail orders. No money lost. The more trees you distribute the better our world would be.
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Con Tassi
29th November 2008 9:31am
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bruce wilson says...
Could you deliver an avocado tree too Coffs Harbour by Xmas as a gift ? If so, I would so order. Please advise by return email. Thank you
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bruce wilson
30th November 2008 8:32pm
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Anonymous says...
i like kaths idea about my daleys nursery! it would help me a lot knowing about how to care for your plants. you all do a good job anyway. i look forward to adding to my edible garden in the future
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2nd December 2008 1:32am
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Anonymous says...
Please sort the trees as plant able regions such as VIC, NSW, QLD....
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2nd December 2008 7:16pm
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Correy (Daleys Website Guy) says...
Firefly (Re: Accuracy listing plants other then daleys)

Yes you can do this. If you search for something not there it will then give you the option to add your own variety which will then infuse its way into the search results.

I think I should change this option to be shown all the time rather then only after you search and don't get any results

Here is the page Firefly was talking about:
(Only 20% complete so I appreciate your feedback)
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2nd December 2008 7:17pm
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Correy (Daleys Website Guy) says...
Con Tassi (Re: Schools and fruit trees)

Yes encouraging young kids to have a love for nature and fruit trees is a great idea.

One obsticle is fruit trees take a few years for results which is not like a lot of their other activities which give them instant gratification.
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2nd December 2008 7:21pm
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Correy (Daleys Website Guy) says...
Hi Heather.

Can you do what you want with this tool?

Choosing Fruit Trees
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5th December 2008 8:04pm
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Anonymous says...
My Edible Fruits looks like it will be useful, thank you!

The Fruit Tree Selector would be more useful to me if it included a field listing fruit fly susceptibility.

As I live in an area where 'ornamental' stonefruit lie festering under trees and bushland close by, I make a lot of decisions based on how much trouble I can anticipate having with fruit fly.

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Toowoomba, Mount Lofty
5th December 2008 10:04pm
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Kath says...
Correy I've just had another idea, what if we could put all the public fruit trees on the map too. We could put these in a different colour and if anyone knows of an urban apple that we are welcome to help ourselves to they can add it to the map. The public persimmon, or peach in the park. The edible urban jungle.
Correy, you amaze me the way that you can make these ideas possible. Thank you.
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18th December 2008 5:13pm
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Anonymous says...
OK . Why not a competition of who grows successfully a fruit variety at the extemity of its range; like who has the most southerly fruiting mango and what variety and what is their technique. Too cute??
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28th December 2008 2:14pm
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Jantina says...
Correy, what about some sort of folder where we can list unusual or hard to get seed we have to share or want to swap? I have just swapped some seed with another forum poster (no money involved) and seeing Peters post about unusual passionfruit he has grown from seed made me think. The vast majority of seed would be legal to send within Oz and I am sure that Aqis or state authorities would be happy to give us a list of what we could not send where. What do you and other posters think of this?
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Mt. Gambier S.A.
30th December 2008 9:55am
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RolFlor a says...
Correy:Put advice in the subject box of the forum's 'Create New Topic',to put THE ENTIRE QUESTION within the subject box.
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&#039; Westie &#039; HeightsSydney
30th December 2008 10:33am
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RolFlor a says...
PICTURES : When an author starts a new forum topic and types in the name of a fruit, which is in the daleysfruit fruit index,can a daleysfruit label image automatically be offered to the author,for adding to the new topic?
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1
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3rd January 2009 8:16pm
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Kath says...
John I couldn't agree with you more. We are all intelligent and interested parties here on the forum, if I title my forum, mystery tree I think you will all get the picture. By the way, remember this is your forum, created by you and for you so we can all learn a little from one another, if you find a comment offensive you have the power to delete it, as long as you give a reason as to why you have deleted the comment.
Jantina you also raise another very good point with regard to quarantine, we must protect our environment at all costs, passionfruit is a very good example as it does have a habit of growing wild and there are lots of restrictions for different types of passionfruits in differents states, if you are on an Island community in particular you need to check with your local quarantine office before importing any seed. It is a good habit to get into anyway, always better to be safe than sorry.
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4th January 2009 1:47pm
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Jantina says...
Just in case there was any misunderstanding I was not inferring in any way that Peter had not done the right thing with passionfruit seed.I didn't word my post very well.
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Mt. Gambier S.A.
4th January 2009 6:00pm
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RolFlor a says...
This ' My Great Idea' topic could be more easily understood ,at a glance on the forum page,as ' Give us your ideas on how to improve the daleysfruit website' etc.
Most forum topic subject headings give a very poor indication of the full question that is being asked eg ' WA delivery' is easier understood as 'DATE OF NEXT DELIVERY TO W.A. AFTER DECEMBER?' or just send the question in an email.
A good subject topic is the ' Growing avocado in Melbourne' and obviously ' Unknown fruit tree' .
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6th January 2009 8:39pm
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Kath says...
A few photo competitions with say a voucher as a prize-maybe have a competition section-biggest fruit/weirdest etc or even just a section people could share photos of their fruit trees.
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6th January 2009 11:01pm
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Jon says...
I like that idea as I am planning on planting some new fruit trees and vines.

I also think a prediction of what month the trees in the shop will be ready is a great idea as at the moment I don't know whether to wait till they're available or to buy different species.

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16th January 2009 9:55am
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Leah says...
as a newcomer to fruit tree growing i would like to be able to see in the listings the size the tree will grow to and what season/months it will fruit in. i think this would help to plan a fruit orchard that fruits all year round. also the climates (warm or cool) needed for successful fruiting.
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Lower Beechmont, Gold Coast Hinterland
16th January 2009 3:00pm
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Jon says...
A section of the forum, maybe underneath unanswered questions, that shows threads you've started would be handy as I've been away and can't remember all my threads and where to find them.

Also, the size the tree will grow to is a fantastic idea as many gardeners NEED to know how big it will get.

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22nd January 2009 12:40pm
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amanda says...
There is so much wonderful advice and ideas contained in this forum that Daleys could probably out-rank Glowinski for the ultimate fruit tree growing bible!
I do feel, however, that we are a little bit neglected over here in the west with growing conditions.
I am also a member of the Diggers club and order 'odd' fruit trees regularly - the plants may be small but they are very reasonable (price) to send and all get here fine despite the delays - I only wish they had your amazing range.

I think most people here are aware enough to get rid of invaders when they see them (eg: after just one californian poppy season I decided that the last-resort-glyphosate had to be used on our rural block - they were just too good at surviving and seeding in a drought)

I would love to see a taste-test ranking like at Diggers. I don't want to wait years only to find out that something is 'bland'. This applies mainly to the exotic fruit trees really. Selection is very important - not only for growing conditions but taste - a lot of time, energy and water go into getting these guys up n running so they need to be worth it really.

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geraldton WA
15th May 2009 12:19am
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Tiggerbow says...
I would like the most recent post to be on top of the page not at the bottom.
I regularly visit the same posts for info and have to scroll to the bottom of 127 other posts to see what the latest discussions have been.
As I am in WA i know of restrictions about getting certain trees because of quarantine - perhaps you can let us know what nurseries in WA stock your trees.
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Perth WA
15th May 2009 12:24pm
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Julie says...
I agree with Tiggerbow re recent posts - a small point, but slightly annoying!

Another small point: there are two Julies and two people called anonymous on here. It's a bit confusing! Other forums make you choose another name if one is already taken.

And an edit button wouild be nice. I often remember something else after I have submitted.

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Roleystone WA
15th May 2009 4:14pm
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Julie 3 says...

you can already find out by doing a dummy order, stuff not allowed to WA, comes up with a message, as long as you have a 6xxx post code.
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15th May 2009 4:38pm
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Julie says...
Oh no, another Julie!
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Roleystone WA
15th May 2009 4:58pm
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amanda says...
It would be good if you block out malingerers like "all grown up" from the site - I find this kind of public belittling of others very distasteful and it's a bit off-putting.

I was wondering if maybe you could offer some plants when they are smaller so that they are cheaper to send (esp to WA)? My small ones from Diggers all get here fine.
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geraldton WA
17th May 2009 6:06pm
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Kath says...
Is there any way when someone posts a 'new' topic that is actually already on the forum you could join it up with the old one? eg someone has started a 'banana' question while there is already lots of info under another 'banana' heading. That would keep all the info about a particular topic together.Otherwise we end up with two,three or even more of the same heading & info harder to find.
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Karnup W.A.
24th June 2009 11:16am
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Julie says...
I agree Kath. I guess it would be more work for whoever is responsible for the website - Kath or Correy?

So far no comments on all the ideas people have put forward.
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Roleystone WA
24th June 2009 2:42pm
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Jimmy says...
Could you make it clear that this is not a way to contact Daleys themselves. A suprising amount of people ask questions thinking they are talking direct to Daleys.
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25th June 2009 12:54pm
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Correy says...
Thanks for your comments guys. Here are the ones that I have just added to my list to do.

1. Edit Button.
2. After you enter a subject in the forum display a list of similar forum topics.

Please email me at

webmaster ( at symbol ) daleysfruit.com.au

If you want to get in contact with me.
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Woolloongabba, QLD
17th July 2009 1:50pm
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Correy says...
Ok From the main forum page when you enter the subject I display similar matches to this topic so that people can see if it already exists.
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Woolloongabba, QLD
23rd July 2009 11:06am
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Original Post was last edited: 23rd July 2009 7:11pm
Correy says...
Editing Posts is now possible as long as you have given your email address and it says "Logged in as Joe Blow (Logout)"

If you do edit your post it will say so underneath that post.

eg this post has been editied and you can see when under this post.
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23rd July 2009 7:13pm
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Original Post was last edited: 23rd July 2009 7:28pm
Correy says...
Under About the Author I am including #UserID.

So if there are 2 Correys from Woolloongabba one will have a user id of #3 and another #2123 for example.

Also hopefully you guys have noticed the new " My Edibles" which links up to this forum.

Still a few bugs but once improved it should be able to help get up and running a lot of the wishes from this forum thread.
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23rd July 2009 7:37pm
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amanda says...
Hi Correy - need to be able to get back to previous forum topics list after looking one up..I was trying to do feijoas and couldn't get back in to look up the other entries to see what had been said.
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Geraldton. WA
23rd July 2009 9:02pm
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amanda says...
Hi Correy, I don't know much about how forums work and even tho' we have a unique user ID - is it possible for people to have "multiple personalities" under the one e-mail address?
Is this normal for all forums?
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Geraldton. WA
24th July 2009 12:38pm
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Correy says...
Hi Amanda:

People can only have one email address which will correspond to their uniqueID.

The userid will stay the same throughout. However their name can change.

Some forums require people to Sign Up with usernames, passwords and email authentication.

However we decided to keep this forum as open as possible.
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Woolloongabba QLD
24th July 2009 2:26pm
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