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Jon's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Melbourne

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Jon Forum Contributions
Guerrilla gardening - Yeah, I was watching the show on the internet when I stumbled upon the site. They seem to create and maintain flower beds around the world...5760 days 2hrs
Guerrilla gardening - I've just been reading a bit about Guerrilla Gardening, where people find neglected pieces of land and plant trees, flowers and even vegetables on it. I didn't realise but there's a whole organisation on it: www.guerrillagardening.org Just wondering..5761 days 9hrs
Growing avocado in melbourne - Thanks, that's good encouragement :) All of the leaves off my Gwen tree have been eaten off while I was away for a few days. Anybody know what would have eaten it? The trunk is only about 2 centimetres thick; would a possum be able to climb it? Tha..5772 days 10hrs
Pumpkins1 - What is the best treatment? I've heard full cream milk and water... Are there any others? Also, what about white fly..5797 days 19hrs
Mangoes in melbourne mission impossible - Ahah, that's why I was a bit confused about the Alphonso variety...5808 days 16hrs

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