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Geoff5's Edible Backyard

Joined: 26/11/08 Updated: 27/11/08 Frost:
Location: bondi


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Geoff5 Forum Contributions
Planter boxes - due to space I will plant fruit trees in plantar boxes on a first floor deck. How deep do I have to make the boxes to sustain good longterm growth? How far apart can I plant given these conditions? Given the climate with not much chilling time what var..6062 days 1hrs

Chinese Water Chestnut

Geoff5's Edible Fruits

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Sweet Leaf Bush

Geoff5's Edible Fruits

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Taro Japanese

Geoff5's Edible Fruits

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Yacon - Apple of the Earth

Geoff5's Edible Fruits

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Geoff5's Edible Fruits

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