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RichardCl1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 26/11/08 Updated: 05/04/13 Frost:

About My Edible Backyard

Why RichardCl1 Love's Edible Plants

i love the difference between commercial and home grown quality.


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

RichardCl1 Forum Contributions
Banana2 - I tried Blue Sky they are not allowed to send to southern NSW anymore, any ideas? ..3269 days 21hrs
Banana2 - Hi Rusty, Dwarf cavs, blue java and Cavendish please. please email payment to : info at Timecon.com.au Richard ..3291 days 4hrs
Banana2 - Hi Rustynuts, Your offer of fruiting proven dwarf cavs is accepted, email me your details for payment. Richard..3300 days 13hrs
Banana2 - Banana suckers wanted: Willing to pay $10 per sucker for proven fruiters plus postage max 2 each varierty. Red Dacca, Goldfinger and Blue Java, Santa Caterina,Pisang Ceylan anything else of interest. Location Central Coast NSW. Please make sure y..3303 days 15hrs

Chilli - Yellow Habanero

RichardCl1's Edible Fruits
Update: 4330 days 20hrs

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Apple - Granny Smith

RichardCl1's Edible Fruits
Update: 4330 days 20hrs

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Sheoak - Forest

RichardCl1's Edible Fruits
Update: 4330 days 20hrs

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Tubestock Mis $1.95

RichardCl1's Edible Fruits

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