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John Anderson's Edible Backyard

Joined: 26/11/08 Updated: 27/11/08 Frost:
Location: thomastown


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

John Anderson Forum Contributions
Waterlogged fruit trees - I retired last July and moved into a new house at same time. I had a number of fruit trees in pots and bought a lot more. In july 2006 in Melbourne I used a jackhammer to make large holes as the ground was so hard. I made the holes big and planted the fru..6434 days 19hrs
Lemon trees - The leaves on my citrus are yellow rather than green...6441 days 15hrs

Callistemon - Little John

John Anderson's Edible Fruits

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Callistemon - Captain Cook

John Anderson's Edible Fruits

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Callistemon - Weeping

John Anderson's Edible Fruits

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Cordyline - Narrow-leaved palm lily

John Anderson's Edible Fruits

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Dwarf Lemon - Meyer

John Anderson's Edible Fruits

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Dwarf Mandarin

John Anderson's Edible Fruits

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Dwarf Orange

John Anderson's Edible Fruits

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Orange - Smooth Seville

John Anderson's Edible Fruits

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