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JasonRutkowski1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 26/11/08 Updated: 14/10/09 Frost:
Location: Winmalee

About My Edible Backyard

Why JasonRutkowski1 Love's Edible Plants


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

JasonRutkowski1 Forum Contributions
Possum repellent - Once the possum gets a taste for the plant/vine it is difficult to control it from continuously destroying it. Your friends only option, in my opinion without harming the possum is to net your vine...5849 days 17hrs
Persimmon1 - Thanx Tran, I have actually been watering the tree a little more than usual for the benefit of the fruit development. I will try that next year though...6282 days 18hrs
Persimmon1 - I have a Persimmon tree approximately 6 Years old and is in its second year of fruit. The first year all the fruit dropped about marble size. This year I have lost most of the fruit (approx 20) but still have 5 fruit developing. Is this a pollination p..6283 days 14hrs
Wild may - Hi Katrina, Yes it is in the Blue Mountains. I have lost some spectacular crops in the past due to the fruit fly, but hopefully not anymore. I will let everyone know how this program of fruit fly termination works. I have been informed to get the..6373 days 16hrs
Wild may - One trap installed 24 Hours ago attracted 29 fly's. I guess they are active at the moment AND Wild May is a good indicator of fruit fly activity. I am going to back this up now with a weekly application program of Eco Natural Lure...6375 days 8hrs

Black Sapote (Grafted) 6/10

JasonRutkowski1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5597 days 11hrs

Comments: -

Growing slowly but well - looks good.  Needs protection from Wildlife

Planted: 2005

Height 1 metres

Qty: 2

Water Given in: Winter

Pollination: No

Pest Control:

Fencing to keep out wildlife

Organic Status:Organic

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Justin1 says... [2523 days 13hrs ago]
Which wildlife in particular eat this tree?

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Amla 7/10

JasonRutkowski1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5658 days 11hrs

Comments: -

Great plant for poor soils - grows well but needs protection from wildlife

Planted: 2004

Height 2 metres

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Summer

Pollination: No

Pest Control:

fencing off wildlife

Organic Status:Organic

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19 of 26 people found this review useful

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Ceylon Hill Gooseberry (Seedling) 4/10

JasonRutkowski1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5658 days 11hrs

Comments: -

Growing but not well - will try to improve soil this year

Planted: 2006

Height 0.5 metres

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Spring

Pollination: No

Pest Control:


Organic Status:Organic

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2 of 9 people found this review useful

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Longan - Seedling (Seedling) 8/10

JasonRutkowski1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5658 days 11hrs

Comments: -

will fruit this year - needs protection from wildlife

Planted: 2007

Height 2 metres

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Low Sun

Water Given in: Summer

Pollination: No

Pest Control:

is fenced off

Organic Status:Organic

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3 of 8 people found this review useful

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Wampee - Guy Sam

JasonRutkowski1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5658 days 11hrs

Pollination: No

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Wampee - Yeem Pay (Grafted) 10/10

JasonRutkowski1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5658 days 11hrs

Comments: -

Growing exceptionally well - will get fruit this year and can't wait

Planted: 2007

Height 2 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 3

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Pollination: No

Pest Control:


Organic Status:Organic

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9 of 13 people found this review useful

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Cherry of Rio Grande 8/10

JasonRutkowski1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5658 days 11hrs

Comments: -

only now starting to establish and grow really well

Planted: 2007

Height 0.5 metres

Qty: 2

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Pollination: No

Pest Control:


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Grumichama - Black 7/10

JasonRutkowski1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5658 days 11hrs

Comments: -

Can't wait for it to fruit. Growing well

Planted: 2006

Height 1 metres

Qty: 4

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Pollination: No

Pest Control:

None - easy

Organic Status:Organic

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White Sapote - Lemon Gold (Grafted) 9/10

JasonRutkowski1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5658 days 11hrs

Comments: -

Plants in deep soil are growing exceptionally fast, others outside deep soil much slower

Planted: 2007

Height 3 metres

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 3

Sun/Shade: Low Sun

Water Given in: Summer

After Fruiting

Pollination: No

When I Fertilise: Never

Pest Control:

None - easy

Organic Status:Organic

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1 of 1 people found this review useful


Julius.Z says... [601 days 6hrs ago]
I have White Sapote variety Chris, so is it possible to exchange 2 scion wood with your Lemon Gold? Cheers

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Acerola - Florida Sweet 1/10

JasonRutkowski1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5658 days 11hrs

Comments: -

Grew well during warmer months but could never get it past August.  We get no frost

Pollination: No

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Naranjilla 2/10

JasonRutkowski1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5658 days 11hrs

Comments: -

Got rid of it - Not a quality tasting fruit and painful to deal with

Pollination: No

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Imbe 8/10

JasonRutkowski1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5658 days 12hrs

Comments: -

Was growing well but got washed away in large flood

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