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Cand's Edible Backyard

Joined: 25/08/09 Updated: 03/10/09 Frost:
Location: Thomastown

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Cand Forum Contributions
Help identify this tree1 - It does look like one. Do the leaves thicken as they get older? ..5071 days 22hrs
Help identify this tree1 - Can anyone identify this tree for me. It was growing alongside my Jaboticaba when I bought it. It came from dayleys so I am hoping it might be another fruit tree. Any ideas?..5071 days 22hrs
Help identify this tree - Can anyone identify this tree for me. It was growing alongside my Jaboticaba when I bought it. It came from dayleys so I am hoping it might be another fruit tree. Any ideas?..5071 days 22hrs

Star Apple - Weeping

Cand's Edible Fruits
Update: 5645 days 14hrs

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