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Fruity's Edible Backyard

Joined: 20/12/09 Updated: 21/12/09 Frost:
Location: Mosman Park

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Fruity Forum Contributions
Passionfruit - Hi everyone I have a passionfruit that's been in the ground (in good soil) for two years and though it's still alive it just refuses to grow. I planted it against trellis and behind where I grow great tomatoes, so is it the wrong venue? Btw in the pas..5693 days 2hrs
Hickson mardarin - Thanks Steve Don't slap me but I haven't repotted it as yet. 44cm square is pretty big and I do top it up with new potting mix quite often. Obviously I'd better go get some citrus fertiliser asap!..5693 days 2hrs
Hickson mardarin - Hi John I have a potted Hickson Mandarin which is currently about 1.5m tall. I planted it in a 44cm square pot when I bought it about 2 years ago as a seedling. I'd prefer to keep it potted rather than plant it in the ground but I'm concerned because..5705 days 5hrs

Cherry Tomatoes, Basil, Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano, Sage, Spring Onions, Chives, Banana Passionfruit, Black Passionfuit, Mandarin,

Fruity's Edible Fruits
Update: 5529 days 1hrs

Organic Status:Organic

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