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Bare root fruit trees last chance for 2022
Bare root fruit trees last chance for 2022Gardening AustraliaJuicy MangoAstringent and non-astringent varieties

Jess1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 04/01/10 Updated: 04/01/10 Frost:

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Jess1 says... [5317 days 24hrs ago]
Planted about 3 or 4 months ago. Grafted black passionfruit & grafted yellow panama passionfruit of the Nelly Kelly variety. Black passionfruit is growing at a very slow rate - albeit growing. The leaves are small, soft and a pale green and seem to curl. The panama gold seems to be doing better and has grown alot faster. Neither of my plants are sending out tendrils to latch onto my lattice. They are planted in the ground in a position that gets sun for the most part of the day - facing west. They were fertilised with dynamic lifter on planting and have since been fertilised with chicken manure and are regularly watered. Will be laying some mulch over the ground this afternoon. Need some advice.
Diana says... [5316 days 19hrs ago]
Hi Jess, You are in the UK, so a sunny spot isn't enough, you need to put them in a glasshouse. See the information on the kew gardens website: My dad'ssecond wife lives in the UK and grows passionfruit vines very successfully in a glasshouse, but they don't flower or fruit. Nelly Kelly is a cooler climate variety than panama gold. Good luck with your garden.

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Jess1 Forum Contributions
Passionfruit - That's a wonderful idea and something all of us budding passionfruit growers could benefit from! Like you Jenny I am trying to hand pollinate although my vine is still tiny and I have grave hopes of it fruiting, got to try though! Could anyone assist?..5016 days 2hrs
Passionfruit - Yeh - am going to give the sick one a couple more weeks in its new environment just to see if anything improves but if i dont see some kind of improvement it might have to go to passionfruit heaven :( Thanks for your help :)..5311 days 3hrs
Passionfruit - We had about 2 weeks of 35 - 40oC temps before chrissy but it's much cooler now & getting alot of rain. I'm pretty convinced its a nutrients deficiency as the new 3 pronged leaves on the black passi. are kind of deformed - like it has 2 normal prong..5315 days 3hrs
Passionfruit - Thanks for your help. It is a wire trellis but dont think this is the problem. the plants have had very minimal contact with the trellis as this stage - the tendrils have just never got further than about half a centimetre long - they just look like l..5316 days 1hrs
Passionfruit - Hey guys, been scanning the forum after a clue on how to get my plants to grow. i have a nelly kelly black grafted passionfruit which seems to be stunted in growth. Its only a few months old but its just not growing. The leaves are all very soft and s..5318 days 1hrs

Passionfruit - Panama Sweet Gold (G)

Jess1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5318 days 0hrs

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Passionfruit - Select Black

Jess1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5318 days 0hrs

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