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Wisteriaway1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 06/01/10 Updated: 06/01/10 Frost:
Location: Bongaree

About My Edible Backyard

Why Wisteriaway1 Love's Edible Plants

I,ve just started a veg garden, planted fruit & nut trees, soil is sandy so I've bought in lots of compost and cow manure, fantastic stuff, black fig is fruiting, drawf mulberry has fruit, angel peach is powering, macadamia ok, but my veg garden (raised) is hopeless, lettuce just get tough leaves, and dont grow. shallots stop gtowing at 8 inches tall, only thing that grew was tomato,pumpkin vine got to med size veg then died. Is there such a thing as too much compost in veg garden?... cucumber perfect..planted with pumpkin.on the ground my biggest challenge is my veg garden.


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Wisteriaway1 Forum Contributions
Pinkabelle apple tree - Can anyone help. I have been given a tropical apple tree and a blood plum in a bag. They are both about 6ft high,tag just says low chill, can I grow these on bribie island. i imagine they grow to about 3-4 meters, any help would be appreciated. thanks De..5516 days 12hrs

Plum - Yarrahapinni Blood

Wisteriaway1's Edible Fruits
Update: 5516 days 12hrs

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