ManishU's Edible Backyard
02/02/10 Updated:
21/11/18 Frost: About My Edible BackyardWhy ManishU Love's Edible Plants Comments* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Fruit Tree Forum ContributionsManishU Forum ContributionsWhats that bug - Yes, it was well armoured. And i guess it was entering the pupal stage as one of its ends was attached to the stem when i removed it...4836 days 4hrs Whats that bug - And then i found this caterpillar on my guava tree (ignore the spider). It has eaten all the new foliage. What is this one? i have already removed it though. Its fun to find all these varied insects in my garden; but its sad that they damage the plant an..4837 days 8hrs Japanese maple in brisbane - @Pauline, yeah i had posted this a while ago but got no responses then. I thought the maple at the nursery was mislabelled Acer nigrum because after coming home that day i researched on Acer nigrum and the tree on display was nowhere close to any of the..4838 days 9hrs Whats that bug - Thanks for the information Brendan and BJ. I have hand removed this one. Will be spraying Pyrethrum on all my citruses...4839 days 19hrs Whats that bug - I was away overseas for 3 weeks and could not tend to my plants. 3 out of 4 of my citrus plants' leaves and fruits have been eaten by some bugs. I found this one on the Blood Orange. What bug is it? Not sure if this is the same bug that has attacked the ..4839 days 23hrs |
Star Gooseberry 7/10![]() Update: 2276 days 15hrs Comments: - Update 09-Dec-2011: This tree really seems to love the current weather. Plenty of new growth. New pic attached. Wasnt aware that these trees were deciduous. It lost all its leaves over winter and was completely bare. Its growing new shoots now. We also call the fruit 'amla'. Height 0.75 metres Growing: In the Ground Sun/Shade: Medium Sun Water Given in: Spring SpringPollination: No Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 5 of 10 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy ![]() |
Pomegranate - Wonderful (Cutting)![]() Update: 2276 days 15hrs Planted: 2011 Height 0.75 metres Growing: In the Ground Sun/Shade: Medium Sun Water Given in: Spring SpringWas this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 0 of 1 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Native Frangipani (Seedling) 5/10![]() Update: 2276 days 15hrs Comments: - Received this from a work mate. It has grown quite a bit in the last year. But its looks sparse. Being a rain forest tree i would have expected it to be a lot more dense. It has flowered only 1 year after it was put in the ground. Planted: 2010 Height 1.5 metres Growing: In the Ground Sun/Shade: Full Sun Water Given in: Spring SpringWas this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 5 of 14 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Sapodilla - Seedling![]() Update: 2276 days 15hrs Comments: - This seedling has grown a bit in the last year. But its very sparse. I wish it were a bit more bushier. Being a seedling i am not sure when to expect the fruit or how it will taste ... will be keeping my fingers crossed. 21/11/2018: Its been a while since i lost posted an update on this little tree. A few years ago the main branch broke off due to strong winds. Since then its got a few offshoot branches and has grown pretty well... but did not flower. I was actually considering replacing it with a known cultivar which can guarantee fruits. Anyways, as a last ditch effort after reading on the internet i decided to girdle one of the branches. Because apparently that stresses the tree to induce hormonal changes which then causes the tree to flower but could also kill the tree / branch. So 3 weeks ago i girdled one of branches (took a ring of bark off the stem). And to my surprise last weekend i can now see some flower buds! Not sure if the girdling worked or if the tree was meant to flower this year anyways ... coincidence? maybe ... maybe not :) Lets see if i now get some fruits out of it. Planted: 2010 Height 2 metres Sun/Shade: Full Sun Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report Commentsmrswarren1 says... [4851 days 11hrs ago]hi just wondering how it is growing now has it fruited yetManishU says... [4840 days 3hrs ago] No, i dont think it will fruit this season :( It has grown a bit with some new leaves here and there; but to me it still looks sparse. I wonder if i need to fertilise it ?mrswarren1 says... [4839 days 15hrs ago] yeah some fertilizer would do it goodManishU says... [4838 days 9hrs ago] what fertiliser would you recommend? I regularly provide all my trees with seasol. And use blood and bone once in 6 months. Do i need to do more ?Markmelb says... [3039 days 21hrs ago] Hi - has your seedling fruited for you yet?* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy ![]() ![]() |
Mango - R2E2 (Grafted) 8/10![]() Update: 2276 days 15hrs Comments: - Update 09-Dec-2011: Got around 2-3 tiny fruits which dropped before they matured. Just one fruit remaining which is as big as a closed fist at the moment. New pic attached. I love mangoes, my favourite being the Alphonse variety. But unfortunately we do not get it here in Australia. Daleys is seeking propogation material for the last 2 years :( The variety closest to alphonse i believe is the bowen variety. But I have planted the R2E2 variety which produce a larger fruit and is equally sweet. This tree was in my apartment balcony in a pot for about a year before i planted it into the ground last year. And about a month later it flowered and produced 3 lovely fruits :) This year it has already started flowering profusely (pic). I might have to prematurely remove the fruits in december coz i dont think this little tree will be able to bear the weght of the fruits if it holds on to 3 or more. Fruiting Months December Planted: 2010 Height 2 metres Growing: In the Ground First Fruited: 1 Years from purchase in pot Sun/Shade: Full Sun Water Given in: Spring SpringPollination: No When I Fertilise: Spring Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 3 of 7 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy ![]() |
Lime - Kaffir (Cutting) 8/10![]() Update: 2276 days 15hrs Comments: - Update 09-Dec-2011: Got a few fruits. Not quite sure what to do with them. They are very fragrant. Will use them in Thai preparations. New pic attached. We use it for making Thai preparations. It has just recently flowered and is now forming fruits. Planted: 2010 Height 1.2 metres Growing: In the Ground First Fruited: 1 Years from purchase in pot Sun/Shade: Medium Sun Water Given in: Spring SpringPollination: No Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 3 of 7 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy ![]() |
Chilli - Rocoto Tree 6/10![]() Update: 2276 days 15hrs Comments: - Update 06-Dec-2011:Tree doing really well and producing lotsa chillies :) New pic attached. The chillies are not very hot though. Update 30-Sep-2011: The tree is doing well after planting it in the ground since i last posted about the aphids problem. Love the idea of having a chilli tree !!! The leaves of my chilli plants are curling from the day i received this from Daleys. Not sure what the problem is. Another chilli plant close to it is also having the same problem. Searched the internet for clues and it seems it a viral disease propagated through the seed OR caused by aphids. I have a few more chilli plants close by but they seem to be doing alright. Can i save my chilli tree ? Fruiting Months December Planted: 2010 Height 0.25 metres Growing: In a Pot Sun/Shade: Full Sun Water Given in: Spring SpringPollination: No Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 7 of 21 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy ![]() |
Blood Orange![]() Update: 2276 days 15hrs Comments: - Update 09-Dec-2011: Most of the tiny fruits have been nibbled by some insects. New pic attached. Got a couple of fruits last season. The fruits were already forming when we got this from a nursery. But those fruits didnt have the blood red colour in the flesh that i was expecting. It was moderately sweet. Its flowering again and i hope to get some blood oranges this time. Planted: 2010 Height 1 metres Growing: In the Ground Sun/Shade: Medium Sun Pollination: No Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 2 of 6 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy ![]() |
Curry Tree 8/10![]() Update: 2276 days 15hrs Comments: - Update: 09-Dec-2011: Showing plenty of new growth. New pic attached. We regularly use its leaves in curry preparations. This tree is semi-deciduous. It looses a lot of its leaves over winter. And those that remain are yellowish and have turned upside down (as shown in the pic). As spring arrives, its shooting new leaves. I tend to remove the flowers if the tree attempts to bloom. I dont need any fruits or seeds as i am after its leaves :) Height 1.5 metres Growing: In the Ground Sun/Shade: Medium Sun Water Given in: Spring SpringPollination: No Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 1 of 1 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy ![]() |
Lychee - Bosworth 3 (Cutting)![]() Update: 2276 days 15hrs Comments: - Update: 09-Dec-2011: None of the tiny fruits matured. But the tree is getting new leaves. New pic attached. This is a marcotted tree which had already flowered when i bought from a nursery here called Plant Factory last weekend. I intend on pruning and keeping this one small as well. Height 0.5 metres Growing: In the Ground Sun/Shade: Full Sun Pollination: No Question: Can i restrict it to a height of around 8-10 feet? Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 6 of 15 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy ![]() |
Guava Hawaiian (Cutting)![]() Update: 2276 days 15hrs Comments: - Update 09-Dec-2011: This also seems to be growing slowly but surely. Leaves were attached by some bug and had to manually remove it. New pic attached. Bought this one from Bunnings as well about a month or so ago. Already started growing new leaves. Its not a Hawaiian, this site doesnt have the Indian Guava option. Height 0.75 metres Growing: In the Ground Sun/Shade: Full Sun Pollination: No Question: Since its a cutting, hopefully it should fruit sooner ? Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 1 of 3 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy ![]() |
Dwarf Avocado - Wurtz (A) (Grafted)![]() Update: 2276 days 15hrs Comments: - Update 09-Dec-2011:Showing good growth. New pic attached. Bought this from Bunnings 3 months ago. Havent seen it grow any new leaves since then. Height 0.5 metres Growing: In the Ground Sun/Shade: Full Sun Pollination: No Question: How long before this one fruits ? Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 5 of 9 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy ![]() |
Black Sapote (Seedling)![]() Update: 2276 days 15hrs Comments: - Update:09-Dec-2011: Growing slowly but surely. Never tasted this chocolate pudding fruit either and i hear its the best. Love the glossy leaves. I know that this seedling will form into a huge tree if not pruned. I intend to keep it small with regular pruning. Height 0.75 metres Growing: In the Ground Sun/Shade: Full Sun Pollination: No Question: When will this seedling produce fruit? Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 2 of 8 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Lemonade Tree (Grafted)![]() Update: 2276 days 15hrs Comments: - Update: 09-Dec-2011: Produced a lot of flowers but only got one fruit out of them. Its still not mature enough to be harvested. Time will tell if i finally get to taste a lemonade or not. New pic attached. Never tasted lemonade fruit before. But i believe it tastes like sweet lime. Have a few tiny little fruits on it at the moment. Lets see how many mature ones i get. Fruiting Months September and October Height 1.5 metres Growing: In the Ground First Fruited: 1 Years from purchase in pot Sun/Shade: Full Sun Pollination: No Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 4 of 6 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy ![]() |
Citron - Buddhas Hand (Grafted)![]() Update: 2276 days 15hrs Comments: - Update 06-Dec-2011:This tree has produced a couple of fruits. Waiting for them to mature. New pic attached. Like the wierd looking shape of this tropical fruit. I believe the fruit can be used as air freshner ... The first set of flowers did not produce any fruits and they all dropped, maybe coz it was winter. Getting a fresh new bloom soon. Planted: 2011 Height 1.5 metres Growing: In the Ground Sun/Shade: Full Sun Pollination: No When I Fertilise: Spring Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 3 of 8 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy ![]() |
Trident Maple (Seedling)![]() Update: 4883 days 10hrs Comments: - This is another maple that i have grown from seed. It was bare over winter and is now getting new leaves. Planted: 2009 Height 1 metres Growing: In the Ground Sun/Shade: Medium Sun Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report * You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Red Maple (Seedling)ManishU's Edible FruitsUpdate: 4883 days 10hrs Comments: - Another maple that i have grown from seed. Its very slow growing and currently looks like a stick in a pot. Height 10 Centimetres Growing: In a Pot Sun/Shade: Medium Sun Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report * You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Maple - Japanese 9/10![]() Update: 4886 days 7hrs Comments: - This seedling is now 2 years old. Love its colour during autumn. Even the spring foliage colour is quite attractive. This was grown from seed and has managed to survive here in Brisbane. I have a few more in ground which are shooting new leaves now. Planted: 2009 Height 0.25 metres Growing: In a Pot Pollination: No Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 9 of 13 people found this review useful* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
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