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Haakon's Edible Backyard

Joined: 15/07/10 Updated: 10/06/11 Frost:

About My Edible Backyard

Why Haakon Love's Edible Plants



Haakon says... [4991 days 2hrs ago]
Because you can eat them

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Haakon Forum Contributions
Sick avo - Sunburn is common on wa avocados..4451 days 24hrs
Orchard - Plums and cherries are a good bet. ..4453 days 21hrs
Avocado varieties - Cannot remember what corn Brendan, the photo is about 4 years old...4462 days 23hrs
Avocado varieties - Brendan, I googled bee range and found plenty of opinions on how far a bee might range. The most intuitive would be a close to home as possible. So if you live in an area with lots and varied gardens area they probably are not going that far from home. If..4465 days 22hrs
Avocado varieties - The question is still interesting. There is a large avocado at the bottom of my hill, say 200m away. I wonder if that would do. I would count on the bees to do it though. In the suburbs bees are spoilt for choice. There is almost always some major tree ne..4468 days 21hrs

Avocado - Sharwil (B)

Haakon's Edible Fruits
Update: 5208 days 24hrs

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