Neilh1964's Edible Backyard
16/08/10 Updated:
16/08/10 Frost: Location: Miranda About My Edible BackyardWhy Neilh1964 Love's Edible PlantsNothing tastes sweeter than your own, home grown, fruit!
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Neilh1964 Forum Contributions
Is my avocado dead - Many thanks Araich. Will do - and let you know if it survives .. 5508 days 0hrs
Is my avocado dead - I've been growing an avocado from seed in a pot. Doing very well, until Xmas.....
I put the pot in a bucket to make sure the pot didn't dry out! It then rained and rained.
I think I drowned the thing. All the leaves are brown and dry.
Is it co.. 5508 days 24hrs
Neilh1964's WISH LIST Why Neilh1964 wants it: - Love the taste - and have all the other fruits I need
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