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Jenny1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 18/08/10 Updated: 18/08/10 Frost:
Location: Warburton

About My Edible Backyard

Why Jenny1 Love's Edible Plants

They are great to look at and with the dual purpose of ability to be eaten, especially fruit trees/bushes.  They complement a garden and some even change their look/colour with the seasons and many also produces fragrant blossoms before these develop into fruits.  A fruit tree laden with fruits is surely an illustration of achievement for the gardener and a feeling of abundance for families.

Some edible plants are not especially good to look at but they are fascinating, like peanuts and tapioca or yam. These are examples of edible plants that produce the edible parts underground!  Some edible plants are seasonal like tomatoes, eggplants, peas etc etc and these give  a year round change to the vegie patch both in colour and in food variety.

Herbs are great too for when u grow them, most herbs create a fragrant ambience and when brushed, the fragrance is enhanced.  Herbs also enhance the taste of food apart from giving vitamins and various food values.



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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Jenny1 Forum Contributions
Seville orange rootstock - Hi Julie Your Seville must be fruiting & nearly ready for picking. I would love some seeds when u have spares. I will pay for the seeds, postage etc. I believe they have to be kept moist to germinate. Alternatively if anyone knows where to buy a plant (r..4922 days 23hrs

Jenny1's WISH LIST

Dwarf Persimmon - Fuyu (NA)

Why Jenny1 wants it: -

I love the fruit and the family does too. As a kid we had the astringent variety (far too furry to eat and I hated it) Now we have the non-astringent variety & they are just beautiful.....just like apples but much smoother & sweeter. Healthwise, they r suppose to be very high in anti-oxidents.  And they look soooo good - plump, shiny and I intend to espalier my plant along a fence. I was told Fuyu is one of the better variety to grow esp in the cool climate of Warburton Victoria. Another way to eat it is to wait till they r really ripe and spoon it over ice cream (like a thick sauce). Persimmon also keep very well, as long as 3-4 weeks from date of purchase (if u can restrain from them too quickly!)

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