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Bob1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 03/08/11 Updated: 04/08/11 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Bob1 Forum Contributions
Chill factor - Try www.agric.wa.gov.au and type in chilling into the search function...6202 days 7hrs
Pinkabelle apple tree - There is no such thing as male and female. Check out woodbridge fruit trees website for a good article on pollination. I paid $50 each from Waldecks. Cincture the trunk above the buds to make it into a fluffy stick with more fruiting...6202 days 8hrs
Dwarf fruit tree competiton - Ohh, yeah the clothes peg is to induce a wide crotch angle on the shoot. I cinctured the buds to make them grow, as the apical dominance in this makes it really top heavy. Bob..6202 days 8hrs
Dwarf fruit tree competiton - The white covering is a bra washing mesh bag that is over the fruit. You might notice the shade, its from a gum tree full of those red tail black cockatoos, that lurve the eat apples. The benefit of the tree is that it keeps the tree cool in winter..6202 days 8hrs
Bananacide - Don't light it, the idea is that kero is a light oil that will penetrate the stump and kill it off. Bob..6203 days 4hrs

Palm - Peach

Bob1's Edible Fruits
Update: 4940 days 10hrs

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Basil - Sweet

Bob1's Edible Fruits
Update: 4941 days 10hrs

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bob1 says... [4940 days 10hrs ago]

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