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Nick1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 10/11/11 Updated: 10/11/11 Frost:
Location: Macleay Island

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Nick1 Forum Contributions
Paw paw disease - My pawpaw trees seem to have some form of mosiac type disease. The leaves open and then very quickly they seem to develop a colour change and the tips get curly...the plants are not robust and healthy, any suggestions, I have looked for parasites but can..4843 days 14hrs

Papaya- Yellow YD1B Hybrid (Seedling)

Nick1's Edible Fruits
Update: 4843 days 14hrs

Height 200 Centimetres

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 3

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Spring

Pollination: Self Pollination

Fertiliser or Organics Used: dynamic lifter

When I Fertilise: Spring

Pest Control: Copper based sprays tried with little success

Organic Status:Pesticides Used

Question: Leaves emerge and then seem to be affected by mosiac disease, change colour to darker green and edges curl

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Papaya - Red RB4 Hybrid (Grafted)

Nick1's Edible Fruits
Update: 4843 days 14hrs

Planted: 2010

Height 100 Centimetres

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 3

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Spring

Pollination: Self Pollination

Fertiliser or Organics Used: dynamic lifter

When I Fertilise: Spring

Pest Control: Apply copper based spray as leaf emerges

Organic Status:Pesticides Used

Question: The leaves seem to have a mosaic infection, they emerge, then change colour to a darker green, almost seethrough and the tips curl.

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