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Blazeaglory's Edible Backyard

Joined: 05/03/12 Updated: 13/03/13 Frost:
Location: USA

About My Edible Backyard

Why Blazeaglory Love's Edible Plants

I grow them myself and love to see them grow. I know what is in them and on them. My soil is very good with rainfall from 5 inches to 20 inches depending on season. I grow in my backyard and so far have had good results with good fruit.


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Blazeaglory Forum Contributions
Something is eating my passionfruit vines - I know this sounds silly but I stumbled upon this method by accident... One day I was out in my garden and all of a sudden literally as many as six locust started to follow me vigorously. I would move and sit and they would follow me everywhere I went...4525 days 24hrs
Satsuma plum tree - Just put a nice 3 in 1 Plume Tree(Santa Rosa, Satsuma, Italian Prune)in the ground. The tree was bare root and a good 7 feet tall! It is showing signs of vigorous growth with all 3 types starting to produce nice green leaves. I hope I will get some flower..4526 days 23hrs

Mandarin - Nules (Clementine) (Grafted) 10/10

Blazeaglory's Edible Fruits
Update: 4153 days 20hrs

Comments: -

This is an Algerian Clementine. It will not allow me to change the name of the title but as I found its tag the tag said Algerian Clementine.


I bought  this tree in the pot at 6' and heavily flowered. Iit was the best looking tree on the lot. I plan on putting it in the ground soon. I will update as time goes on.

Update 3/11/13

I put this Mandarin in the ground before Winter 2012 and harvested TWO(2) nice sweet little mandarins for Christmas and it is now starting to branch out like CRAZY in late Winter/early Spring 2013. I will update with pictures this coming Spring 2013 when it begins its flowering. 

Fruiting Months January and December

Height 6 Feet

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Spring

Pollination: Self Pollination

Fertiliser or Organics Used: Fish emulsion, miracle grow, Organic Dr. Earth Micro nutrients

When I Fertilise: Spring

Pest Control: Hard spray of water for aphids but other than that just some carbaryl. I try to keep the ants away from it so as long as I keep an eye on it, the ants and aphids are not to much of a problem. I do have a small problem with leafminers but nothing major.

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Lemon - Meyer (Grafted) 10/10

Blazeaglory's Edible Fruits
Update: 4153 days 20hrs

Comments: -

This is a semi dwarf advanced meyer lemon. So far it has been a good producer with tons of flowers. I planted it last January 2011 so this will be the first year I will harvest the fruit but so far it is full of big green lemons starting to yellow. I will update soon.


After the fruit began to swell last year they all dropped! I had used some 20-20-20 and this Meyer DOES NOT LIKE IT! I switvched to a less powerfull Organic and Mracle Grow. As of now(03/11/13) it is putting out flowers like crazy! Ill update soon with new pics.

Planted: 2011

Height 3 Feet

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

First Fruited: 8 Months from Purchase in Pot

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Water Given in: Spring

Pollination: Self Pollination

Fertiliser or Organics Used: Miracle Gro and Fish Emulsion organic Micro Nutrients

When I Fertilise: Spring

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Orange - Washington Navel (Grafted) 10/10

Blazeaglory's Edible Fruits
Update: 4153 days 20hrs

Comments: -

The name of this tree is Lanes Late. Sorry the title is misleading :-)


If picked early fruit is still sweet with a slight tang. Tree produces heavy for only being in the ground for a little over a year. 

The picture was taken not long after planting its first year (check date on pic). The tree is 3 years old now and has almost tripled in size. I will take more pics when it flowers this spring. The picture shows it after most flowers have fallen off. It is a VERY heavy flowering tree with a sweet fragrance.


Will update with pics once the tree starts to flower this year.

Fruiting Months June, July, August

Planted: 2011

Height 4 Feet

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

Fruit Harvest: 5 Pounds Per Year

First Fruited: 6 Months from Purchase in Pot

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Spring

Pollination: Self Pollination

Fertiliser or Organics Used: Citrus Tone organics, Dr Earth Organic Micros, Fish emulsion. 3 times a year starting in spring up until fruit begins to swell.

When I Fertilise: Spring

Pest Control:

Simple spray solution but so far the tree has been clean of pest. The tree is small enough where I can hand pick any bug I dont like. If I have to I will spray leaves only.

Organic Status:Partially Organic

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Peach Red Baron Full Size (Grafted) 10/10

Blazeaglory's Edible Fruits
Update: 4153 days 21hrs

Comments: -


Planted this Peach tree last year and this year flowers are nice and thick double red. Tree is in its second year so I have my fingers crossed for peaches.

Fruiting Months May, June, July

Planted: 2012

Height 4 Feet

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Spring

After Fruiting

Pollination: Self Pollination

Fertiliser or Organics Used: Last year I used cow manure to condition the ground but this year I might not give it anything other than some Organic Citrus-Tone granules 5-2-6, Vegetative Nitrogen Fish emulsion, Dr. Earth Organic Micros just to establish some nice branches. I have re

When I Fertilise: When Fruiting and Spring

Pest Control:

Hand controlled and sometimes a dust or spray. Spectraicde. Have not had to deal with any sickness yet but I am ready.

Organic Status:Pesticides Used

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3 in 1 Plum (Santa Rosa, Satsuma, Italian Plum/Prune) (Grafted) 10/10

Blazeaglory's Edible Fruits
Update: 4153 days 21hrs

Comments: -


So far it has not blossomed as I have only planted it a week ago. I bought it bare root from Home Depot. The tree was half price so I got it for $8. The good thing about this plum tree is it has 3 varieties of plum on one plant.  The Santa Rosa and Satsuma have low chill hours (300) but the Italian prune has 800 chill hours. I dont know why they would graft such a high chill hour plum onto a tree with 2 other low chill hours but hopefully it will fruit.

I have seen Santa Rosa and Satsuma fruit in my area so my fingers are crossed. This tree was also showing strong signs of green growth while still in its bag. As soon as I planted it it took off with nice leaves. Hopefully I will get some flowers as this tree is 6foot . I trimmed 1/3 of the shoots after planting to stimulate growth. I have heard to prune after harvest but a wise man told me to prune in early spring to stimulate growth. I will update this page as time goes on.

Planted: 2012

Height 6 Feet

Growing: In the Ground

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Spring

Pruned By: 33% in After Fruiting

Pollination: Cross Pollination

Cross Pollinator Variety: Santa Rosa/ Satsuma

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