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Anon1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: bundaberg

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Anon1 Forum Contributions
Tamarillo - It's a miracle .Or you could be mistaken.Somatic mutations do occur but v. rarely..6253 days 24hrs
Tropical fruit tree - Sad to say but it is usual for seedling loquat to take anything up to 11 years to fruit...6254 days 5hrs
Ranier cherry tree - Think it would be more like 1000hrs.of chilling..6256 days 5hrs
Grape vines - Sounds like a Vitis rotundifolia . Put that in your search engine and then look at varieties ; many have funky sounding names...6257 days 23hrs
Paw paw leaves - Suggest you weigh one and multiply by six.Also useful ,I find , for crowd estimation ,viz count ears and then divide by two...6259 days 4hrs

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