Talyda Forum Contributions
Pomegranate help please - We moved in here 2 years ago, and there's this lovely lot of pomegranate bushes growing as a small hedge out the back. It's kinda growing above where the grey water goes - though I am not sure how much moisture it gets from that. The fruit though, is REA..
2753 days 17hrs
Lemon tree leaves fallingbitten off - Thanks both =)..
5920 days 13hrs
Lemon tree leaves fallingbitten off - Hi there! Hoping someone can help me =)
I bought a lemon tree about 4 weeks ago, I've planted it and been watering it every other day.
It's in clay soil, but when I've planted it, I made the hole twice as big around as the base of the tree (mayb..
5921 days 19hrs